The search for the understanding of the digital divide, its definition, its causes, and effects and, finally, the actions that can be taken from a public policies standpoint in favor of inclusive access to the internet is an effort that has already lasted longer of two decades. In Brazil, although the number of users grows every year, according to the Regional Center for Studies for the Development of the Information Society (, approximately one in four Brazilians, aged 10 or over, did not have access to the network in the year 2019. In order to better understand the factors that influence the establishment of the digital divide in the country and contribute with updated information to the discussion of actions to tackle it, this research sought, through the analysis of microdata from the TIC Domicílio survey, conducted annually by, and use of logistic regression, to identify and measure the relevance of the effects of social, economic, demographic and cultural indicators that determined digital inequality in the period 2015-2019. The research findings suggest that, in the period analyzed, the variables age, level of education, economic income level, economically active population, religion and area of residence presented, with statistical significance, characteristics of determinants of the digital divide in Brazil.