Since the situation of “Benefits of Accelerating the Climate Transition Outweigh the Costs” published in the IMF Blog is happening right now. It’s urgent to implement carbon cut more efficiently in the whole world. Recent demand side solution to climate change mitigation should be one of the effectively carbon cut methods. We use 7 WH questions to tackle our research of demand side solution to climate change mitigation. After illustrating every WH questions and answers more in detailed, we also draw at least a visualization picture for each corresponding WH question such as Figure 1 in the paper. Our paper draws many visualization figures to catch the attention of more people in the world. This is because the demand side solution to climate change mitigation must rely on the participation of more and more people in the world. These authors believe that the demand side solution will be implemented by most people if we can duplicate a carbon cut world driven by another self-interest incentive mechanism.