Renewable energy projects have become pivotal in global sustainable development efforts, with their significance particularly pronounced in Peru. Our research delves into Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Resources (RER), aiming to demonstrate their potential contribution to Peru's energy landscape. By 2040, we project that RER projects could account for up to 30% of total energy production, alongside conventional hydroelectric plants and natural gas, resulting in a generation matrix with 81% zero-emission generation.
Our methodology employs a comprehensive approach, forecasting both electricity demand and power supply dynamics. For electricity demand, we consider factors such as GDP growth and major consumer sectors like mining and agriculture. On the supply side, we factor in existing and future generation projects, hydric resource availability, and dispatch orders prioritizing RER projects.
What sets our study apart is the innovative methodology used, tailored specifically for the Peruvian context. Unlike traditional approaches, our method provides clear procedures for modeling the introduction of new plants, ensuring a more accurate assessment of future energy landscapes.
We propose a dual analysis to assess feasibility and profitability, taking into account regulatory approval processes, construction planning, and potential revenue streams. Despite challenges like finite renewable resource locations and transmission system adaptation, RER technologies are poised to play a significant role in Peru's energy mix.
Our model anticipates the impact of regulatory changes, projecting increased profitability for RER projects from 2029 onwards. However, a balanced energy mix strategy remains essential to ensure overall system stability. While RER projects offer promising prospects, continued regulatory support and adaptive infrastructure development are crucial for their realization.
In conclusion, our study provides nuanced insights into Peru's renewable energy potential and underscores the importance of proactive policies to drive sustainable energy transitions. By anticipating future challenges and opportunities and utilizing an innovative methodology tailored to the Peruvian context, we aim to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of Peru's evolving energy landscape and the multifaceted dimensions of renewable energy integration.