This study has characterized the perennial grass species Arundo donax L. and Phyllostachys aurea Rivière & C. Rivière for energy use, both collected from invasive populations in Brazilian’s Federal District. There were six treatments: raw, briquette, pellets, torrefied, charcoal and torrefied briquette (briquetting after torrefaction). Treatment products have been evaluated from the following parameters: moisture, specific gravity, bulk density, gross/net calorific value, mass yield, energy yield, energy density, bulk energy density and proximate analysis. Torrefaction at 220°C had significant impact on energy properties while retained net energy yields on values above 98% for Arundo donax and 99% for Phyllostachys aurea. Charring resulted in better parameters for Phyllostachys aurea in comparison with Arundo donax, such as higher fixed carbon (73,6% vs. 69,1%), lower ash content (4,2% vs. 9,1%), and higher energy density. Torrefied briquette had higher bulk energy density among compaction treatments, while Phyllostachys aurea pellets had higher solid energy density.
Comissão Organizadora
Régis Quintanilha
Victória Coimbra
Ingrid Souza
Tiago Fraga
Greiceliz Cabral Perusseli
Comissão Científica
Kenya Chihaya
Saulo Guerra
Régis Quintanilha