INTRODUCTION: Postpartum depression (PPD) is defined as the appearance of symptoms of mood changes during pregnancy or between four and six weeks after delivery. Since mothers with PPD are less likely to breastfeed. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between PPD and breastfeeding, as well as elucidate the main factors related to PPD and lactation. METHOD: This is a systematic review in accordance with the PRISMA statement. The search was carried out in the MEDLINE, SciELO, SCOPUS and LILACS databases. The research was carried out independently by two researchers. Original articles were selected that addressed the object of study and published in Portuguese and English, with 23 articles selected for qualitative analysis. RESULTS: The factors found regarding the relationship between breastfeeding and PPD are: age, socioeconomic status, well-being of the mother and child, culture and mental health. In most studies, higher rates of abandonment of exclusive breastfeeding were observed in children with mothers with symptoms of PPD. Furthermore, a higher score on the Edinburgh scale also showed a strong association with early breastfeeding interruption (between 4 and 8 weeks postpartum) and, finally, PPD. Subsequently, it was seen that there is little relevance regarding the mothers' age, educational level, employment, number of children and relationship with the baby's sex. CONCLUSION: It was confirmed in most of the selected studies that breastfeeding has a bidirectional contribution for the mother and child, as well as postpartum depression seems to be associated with the interruption of breastfeeding. In order to clarify the possible influential causes in the cause-consequence relationship previously presented, it is necessary to carry out new studies with large populations to obtain a better statistical power.
Keywords: Postpartum depression; Breastfeeding, Interruption
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