INTRODUCTION: Hepatites C is a hepatic disease commonly caused by the Hepatitis C Virus and can result in a severe liver cell injury. METERIAL AND METHODS: This study is based on bibliographic revision on data bases such as Bireme, Medline and Scielo. RESULTS: We aimed to discuss the epidemiology of HCV among jail and drug addict population through a literature review, which showed that the incidence and prevalence of this disease can be higher than ten times when compared to general population (0,7% for general population, 1,4% for drug addicts and 16,2% for Brazilian inmates). DISCUSSION: Transmission, prevention and treatment were also analyzed and demonstrated difficulties related to prophylaxis adhesion and adverse reactions by pharmacological treatments. CONCLUSION: Overall, particular and urgent attention to this population are crucial to implement effective prophylactic actions, trying to avoid the need of pharmacological treatment which commonly present severe adverse effects.
KEY WORDS: Hepatites C, HCV, epidemiology, jail and illicit drugs users.
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