Applicability of bioprinting and printing in contemporary medicine.
3D printing and bioprinting are technologies capable of supporting the continuous evolution of personalized digital medicine, through a process that involves medical image, treatment planning, implant design, digital fabrication of implants and personal instrumentation, along with patient acceptance. Despite the existing complexities, these technologies are responsible for enabling the elaboration of new therapeutic approaches, energizing surgical procedures, besides providing a better diagnostic to many patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate different areas that 3D and bioimpression are applicated in. A literary search was made and 14 articles were retrieved, in which 13 were original and 1 was a review, published between 2016 and 2020, collected from PubMed Central, Scientific Electronic Library Online e LILACS using the search terms Bioprinting", "Printing", "Printing Three-Dimensional", "Bioprinting AND Medicine", "Printing AND Medicine". The studies revealed the importance of printing in medicine and its occupation areas. The results were categorized into the following groups: medical equipment construction in period of crisis, applicability in regenerative medicine, applicability in cardiology, applicability in fetal medicine and limitations. The studies revealed that 3D printing and bioprinting use is beneficial to patients, considering the creation of implants or personalized organs that improve prognostic and different pathologies’ treatment. Furthermore, the bioprinting technique allows the reproduction of tissues and organs, hence being a facilitator element in various medical specialties, such as reconstructive plastic surgery, maxillofacial surgery, spine surgery, arthroscopy and transplant surgery. Therefore, new studies are necessary to access new occupation areas, relevant information about costs and to certify bioprinting safety in clinical practice.
Keywords: 3d printing, 3d bioprinting, regenerative medicine.
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