Estudo do perfil epidemiológico de adultos jovens com câncer colorretal em município do Norte do estado do Mato Grasso: 2012 a 2018

  • Autor
  • Rodrigo Augusto Rosa Siviero
  • Co-autores
  • Gabriel Sousa Almeida Assunção , Karen Nayara de Souza Braz , Polyana Bárbara Freese Carneiro , Eveline Aparecida Isquierdo Fonseca de Queiroz , Pâmela Alegranci
  • Resumo

    Study of the epidemiological profile of young adults with colorectal cancer in a city in the North of Mato Grosso State: 2012 to 2013

    Colorectal cancer (CCR) appears among the most frequent neoplasms in the world and has screening as a recommendation. The development time of this neoplasm is a long period, being the result of the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors, such as: advanced age, family history, genetic syndromes, obesity and intestinal inflammatory diseases. The purpose of this study was to analyze the profile of patients with colorectal cancer between 15 and 44-years-old treated in a city located in the north of the Mato Grosso State due to the worldwide increased number of cases below the average age tracking line. It is a longitudinal descriptive study with data collected from the medical charts of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer from 2012 to 2018. The variables collected were: gender, age, weight, height, tumor histological, staging, forms of treatment, prognosis, presence of comorbidities diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The results were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies using Excel® (Office 365). We analyzed 124 medical records, 21 (16.93%) of them were referent of patients aged between 15 and 44-years-old. Analysis of the 21 medical records revealed that 66.66% of them were male; 42.86% had the BMI above adequate (18.5 < 25 kg/m2); 61.90% were aged between 15 and 39-years-old and 52.38% were residents of the studied municipality. Regarding comorbidities, none of the patients were diabetic and 9.52% had cardiovascular disease. The predominance of CCR was adenocarcinoma (100%), being the T3N0M0 stage found in 33.33% of the cases; 71.43% of them had as therapy the association between surgery and chemotherapy; 9.52% of them died, being that they were above the adequate BMI. Thus, it was concluded that from the medical records evaluated between 15 and 44-years-old, 61.90% were between 15 and 39- years-old, showing the involvement of a younger group when compared to the literature data. Most of them had the BMI higher than the adequate and this fact is associated in the literature as an independent risk factor. These data reveal the need to verify if there are other factors associated with CCR in the studied city in order to perform a review and the possibility of a readjustment of the screening program for this disease, which can have a great importance in early diagnosis and consequently better prognosis.



    Keywords: colorectal cancer; obesity; screening.


  • Palavras-chave
  • câncer colorretal, obesidade, rastreamento
  • Área Temática
  • Saúde Coletiva
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  • Cirurgia
  • Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
  • Clínica Médica
  • Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental
  • Pediatria
  • Saúde Coletiva
  • Ciência Básica
  • Cabeça, Pescoço e Linguagem
  • Gestão, Qualidade e Tecnologias de Atenção à Saúde

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