Efeitos da acupuntura nos sintomas vasomotores da menopausa- Revisão da Literatura

  • Autor
  • Ana Carolina de Vito
  • Co-autores
  • Débora de Oliveira Santos , Rodrigo Guilherme Varotti Pereira
  • Resumo
  • Effects of acupuncture on vasomotor symptoms of menopause - Literature Review 


    Abstract: Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are often associated with menopause due to the hormonal variation that occurs during this period. Such symptoms may have consequences in daily activities and quality of life of women in menopause transition. Hormone therapy is usually the most effective treatment for VMS, however many women look for alternative treatments, including acupuncture. The present study aimed to evaluate the use of acupuncture in clinical practice through research in databases (PubMed, Lilacs e Scielo). After 288 articles found in the databases with the descriptors "Climateric and Acupuncture" and "Menopause and Acupuncture", 12 articles were selected for this research. It was observed that, with acupuncture, the physical, psychosocial, sexual aspects and vasomotor symptoms were attenuated. In addition, changes in LH and FSH levels were noted. When this intervention was accompanied by improved self-care, an improvement in quality of life was also reported. It is concluded that the results are favorable to the use of acupuncture as a possible alternative to hormone replacement therapy, in addition to the importance of future clinical tests.

    Key Words: acupuncture, climacteric, menopause.

  • Palavras-chave
  • acupuntura, climatério, sintomas vasomotores, menopausa.
  • Área Temática
  • Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
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  • Cirurgia
  • Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
  • Clínica Médica
  • Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental
  • Pediatria
  • Saúde Coletiva
  • Ciência Básica
  • Cabeça, Pescoço e Linguagem
  • Gestão, Qualidade e Tecnologias de Atenção à Saúde

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