• Author
  • Edivan Lourenço da Silva Júnior
  • Co-authors
  • Luisa Fernanda Camacho Gonzalez
  • Abstract



    Edivan Lourenço da SILVA JÚNIOR (Faculdade Santíssima Trindade)

    Prof. Ms. Luisa Fernanda CAMACHO-GONZALEZ (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


    Justification: In the current context in which we live, marked by the pandemic of the new coronavirus, we can observe an increase in the incidence of psychosomatic diseases, brought on by the stress and tension of modern life. The search for scientific confirmation of traditional practices, including Ayurvedic phytotherapy, is of great importance in improving patients’ quality of life.  Object of study: To Examine the state of the art of the use of Ayurvedic phytotherapy as a resource in the treatment of psychosomatic and chronic diseases. Specific Objectives: To analyze the use of Ayurvedic treatment and the benefits of these practices for patients and health professionals. Methodology: A bibliographic review was performed through the analysis of articles published in the period 2017 - 2021, using the following databanks: SCIELO, LILACS, PubMed and Google Scholar, applying the following terms: Ayurveda, phytotherapy and mental health. Results: Indian Ayurvedic treatment is one of the most traditional forms of therapy in which a balance is sought between the biological factors known as vata, pitta and kapha, through holistic and profound therapeutic practices using plant-based medicines. Such a practice also represents aspects of a philosophy where mind, spirit, body and sensory organs are used as an integrated whole for the cure of illnesses. Factors such as greater quality, security, stability and efficiency, springing from the use of natural, pesticide-free components in Ayurvedic products mean that this practice tends to gain increasing impetus towards promoting human health. Furthermore, the appearance of new diseases and risk factors contribute to a greater acceptance of - and respect for - alternative therapeutic agents. Final considerations: Lack of knowledge on the active components and on the administration of combined medications has raised the level of complexity for the purposes of studies that can prove the efficiency of Ayurvedic therapies. Moreover, the consideration of the individual as a whole being, as opposed to the focus on illnesses, implies greater difficulties for the analysis of factors such as potency variation, the dose-response relation, and medicinal quality standards, amongst other aspects. Thus, further studies into these practices, already integrated into the Brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) should be promoted, with a view to enriching healthcare and modern therapeutic practices.

    Keywords: Ayurveda; Phytotherapy; Alternative therapies.


  • Keywords
  • Ayurveda; Phytotherapy; Alternative therapies.
  • Modality
  • Pôster
  • Subject Area
  • Ciências Farmacêuticas
  • Agroecologia
  • Ciências Farmacêuticas
  • Educação e Conhecimento, Etnociências
  • Química de Produtos Naturais
  • Política e Gestão
  • Agroecologia
  • Ciências Farmacêuticas
  • Educação e Conhecimento, Etnociências
  • Química de Produtos Naturais
  • Política e Gestão
  • Agroecologia
  • Ciências Farmacêuticas
  • Educação e Conhecimento, Etnociências
  • Química de Produtos Naturais
  • Política e Gestão

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