Cyantraniliprole (CYA) is a commercial insecticide used in several crops in Brazil, capable of controlling a wide range of agricultural pests. It is described in rats that intrauterine and lactational exposure to CYA provides unfavorable outcomes for the reproductive system of exposed progeny, acting as an endocrine disruptor by a mechanism involving oxidative stress. Nevertheless, there are no studies evaluating the adverse effects of intrauterine and lactational exposure to this xenobiotic in the vascular system of exposed offspring. The present study aimed to evaluate vascular reactivity in male progeny of rats exposed to cyantraniliprole during gestation and lactation. For this, female Wistar rats were treated by gavage with CYA (10mg/Kg/day) or vehicle (CTR group) from the fifth gestational day until litter’s weaning. The chosen dose is the lowest dose toxic described in the registration leaflet in Ministério da Agricultura e Planejamento – Brazil. In the postnatal day (PND) 55 and 90 (n=6/group), the thoracic aorta of male progeny was subjected to in vitro reactivity to phenylephrine (phenyl), acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), to set up a cumulative dose-response curve. The maximum response (Rmax) was calculated, expressed in g (phenyl) or % relaxation (ACh and SNP), and used to compare groups using ANOVA (two-way and Tukey's) or T-test; the results expressed as mean ± s.e.m., differences when p<0.05. (CEUA nº. 20/2020). The aortic response for phenyl in the presence (E+) or absence (E-) of endothelium was similar between groups in the PND55 (CTR E+: 2,28±0,12 vs CYA E+: 2,39±0,18; CTR E-: 4,04±0,15 vs CYA E-: 3,66±0,28) and PND90 (CTR E+: 2,28±0,12 vs CYA E+: 2,17±0,11; CTR E-: 3,19±0,13 vs CYA E-: 3,15±0,17). The Rmax for ACh was not different between groups at PND55 (CTR:91,79±2,37 vs CYA: 89,98±1,86) and PND90 (CTR: 90,84±1,05 vs CYA: 90,92 ±1,10). The response to SNP was also similar between groups. It is possible to conclude, with these results, that the exposure to CYA (10mg/Kg/day) during the early stages of development had no deleterious effects on the vascular response of male offspring. However, studies with different sex, dosages and ages are needed to confirm the safety of this exposure. Financial support: CAPES, PIBIC, Fundação Araucária (grant: 215/2022-PBA).
Comissão Organizadora
Gustavo Carvalho
Luiza Malacco
Eliana Hiromi Akamine
Profª Drª Luciana Venturini Rossoni
Ana Paula Couto Davel
José Wilson do Nascimento Corrêa
Alice Valença Araújo
Comissão Científica