Electrochemical characterization of BaZr0,4Ce0,4Y0,1Gd0,1O3-? protonic perovskite thin film

  • Autor
  • Debora Cristina Oliveira de Souza Neves
  • Co-autores
  • Daniel Zanetti de Florio
  • Resumo

    The rapid growth of the population and the consequences of urbanization create an urgent need for innovative technologies dedicated to efficient and sustainable energy storage and conversion, aiming to replace fossil fuel-based energy sources. Considering this energy landscape, fuel cells present themselves as a promising alternative due to their high efficiency, fuel flexibility, and minimal to zero CO2 emissions. Solid oxide cells exhibit superior chemical stability and durability compared to other cell types. However, a limitation lies in their high operating temperature range (800 – 1000 °C). To address this challenge, the next generation of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) has shifted focus toward proton cells, renowned for their high conversion rates at intermediate temperatures (500 – 700 ºC). Barium zirconate cerate perovskites stand out among the extensively studied solid oxide electrolytes, characterized as ABO3-type perovskites[1]. In addition to exploring novel compositions, ongoing research investigates innovative designs of materials and structures to optimize operating temperatures. The thickness of the electrolyte plays a important role in cell performance, with ohmic resistance directly proportional to electrolyte thickness. Advances in cell technology are driving a shift towards increasingly thinner electrolytes, facilitated by sophisticated deposition techniques such as Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) [2]. This study aims to compare and characterize sintered pellets and thin films deposited by PLD using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The chosen characterization techniques provide valuable insights into the structural and electrochemical properties of the materials under investigation.

    [1] Medvedev D, Murashkina A, Pikalova E, Demin A, Podias A, Tsiakaras P. BaCeO3: Materials development, properties and application. Prog Mater Sci. 2014;60(1):72- 129. 

    [2]Zhou Z, Nadimpalli VK, Pedersen DB, Esposito V. Degradation mechanisms of metalsupported solid oxide cells and countermeasures: A review. Materials (Basel). 2021;14(11). doi:10.3390/ma14113139..

  • Palavras-chave
  • SOFC, thin films, protonic, perovskite
  • Modalidade
  • Pôster
  • Área Temática
  • Materiais Funcionais Avançados

Bem-vindo(a) aos Anais do VII NanoMat, evento organizado pela Pós-graduação em Nanociências e Materiais Avançados da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) com o intuito de reunir e debater trabalhos desenvolvidos por alunos e pós-doutorandos em Materiais e áreas afins.

  • Nanociência e Nanotecnologia
  • Materiais Funcionais Avançados

Comissão Organizadora

Pedro Alves da Silva Autreto
Andre Luiz Martins de Freitas
Aryane Tofanello

Comissão Científica