The Ovarian Hormones Are Involved With The Vascular Dysfunction In Female Rats Maternally Exposed To Fluoxetine

  • Autor
  • Carolina Matias Higashi McKeown
  • Co-autores
  • Kawane Fabrício Moura , Estefânia Gastaldello Moreira , Daniela Cristina Ceccatto Gerardin , Graziela Scalianti Ceravolo
  • Resumo

    Introduction: fluoxetine (FLX) has been widely indicated for affective disorders covering populations such as pregnant. It has been demonstrated that maternal treatment with FLX during pregnancy and lactation impairs aortic contractile response in female but not in male progeny. Therefore, the study aimed to comprehend the importance of ovarian hormones in this vascular alteration observed in the female progeny. Methods: Wistar rats (75 days old; average weight: 200 g) received FLX (5 mg/kg) or water (CTR) during pregnancy and lactation. At prepubertal age (28 days old) the female offspring had aorta reactivity evaluated or was ovariectomized (OVX), evaluated in the adulthood (90 days old). The response to phenylephrine (Phe) was studied in aortic rings with (E+) or without (E-) endothelium, in the presence or absence of MPP (Estrogen Receptor (ER) ? antagonist) or PHTPP (ER ? antagonist). The comparisons were by maximum response (maxR, g) and pD2 (not shown), analyzed with Student’s T or Mann-Whitney; Two/One-Way ANOVA and Bonferroni or Tukey; Kurskall-Wallis and Dunn; results as mean±standard error of the mean or first and third quartiles, p<0.05. Ethics Committee: 16166-2012.12-192/2016. Results: FLX exposure didn’t alter aortic response to Phe in prepubertal female rats. The maxR to Phe was reduced in E+ rings from FLX adult rats versus CTR (CTR: 2.37±0.12 [n=14] vs FLX: 1.15±0.10 [n=10]) and this response was corrected by ovariectomy (CTR OVX: 2.39±0.07 [n=13] vs FLX OVX: 2.17±0.12 [n=14]). Also, PHTPP corrected the FLX contraction (2.01±0.14 (n=10)) equaling to CTR (2.42±0.15 (n=9)). MPP didn’t influence the Phe maxR (CTR: 2.40±0.19 (n=10) vs FLX: 1.39±0.12 (n=11)) adult female rats. Conclusion: the impairment of contractile response in E+ aortic rings in female adult offspring intrauterine and lactational exposed to FLX occurs through ovarian hormones, via endothelial ER?. These data demonstrate the vascular system susceptibility to FLX exposure in early life.

  • Palavras-chave
  • Fetal programming, antidepressant, pregnancy
  • Modalidade
  • Pôster
  • Área Temática
  • Disfunção endotelial
  • Estresse oxidativo
  • Disfunção endotelial
  • Produtos naturais
  • Inflamação e doenças vasculares
  • Sinalização celular
  • Tecido adiposo perivascular
  • Sistema endócrino e doenças vasculares
  • Revisões, projetos, revisões sistemáticas e metanálises em biologia vascular
  • Educação em saúde e doenças vasculares
  • COVID-19 e complicações vasculares

Comissão Organizadora

José Wilson do Nascimento Corrêa
Simone Potje
Gabriel Tavares do Vale
Stêfany Cau
Roger Lyrio
Simone R Potje
Alice Valença Araújo
Ruth Cristina Albuquerque Santos
Lara Caroline Amaro
Ana Dária Cassoli da Silva
Pollyana Peixoto
Izabela Moreira Bonfim
Jocimar José Pitol
Sunamita Vaz Martins
Izabela Moreira Bonfim
Palloma Emanuelle Dornelas de Melo
Daniella Bonaventura
Tagana Rosa
Sarah Victory Santana Gomes
Priscila Cruz
André Lucas Borges
Jéssyca Aparecida Soares Giesen
Leticia Tinoco Gonçalves
Silvia Maria Luna Alves
Wellington Francisco Pereira da Silva
Natália Ferreira de Araújo
Leandro de Carvalho Gomes

Comissão Científica