Male sex hormone (MSH) has been involved in vascular function regulations. This study evaluated the role of COX pathway in the regulation of vascular reactivity modulated by MSH and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Male Wistar rats, (240-260g), were divided into: orchidectomized (OQT; N=77) and control groups (Sham N=67); the Sham group underwent the same surgical treatment, but without removal of the testicles. Both groups were treated during 12 weeks with losartan (LOS) 15mg/kg/day, i.m.; Apocinine (APO) 30 mg/kg in drinking water, and Spironolactone (SPI) 80mg/kg/day per gavage (CEUA-UFES 17/2020). We evaluated the COX pathway modulation on the concentration-response curves to phenylephrine (Phe) in the presence of indomethacin (INDO), a non-selective COX blocker. The statistical analysis used was anova 1 via plus Tukey post-hoc or Bonferroni. The vasoconstrictor response to Phe was equal in both groups. INDO reduced the maximum response to Phe only in the Sham group (Rmax Sham Control: 107.5±8.9 N=9; Sham INDO: 51.6±7.5* N=7; OQT Control: 107.2±11.8 N=11; OQT INDO: 83.4±10.5 % to KCl 75mM, N=8; *p<0.05). However, both Sham and OQT groups treated with APO, showed a reduction of Rmax to Phe, in the presence of INDO. Both groups treated with SPI presented reduction of Rmax to Phe in the presence of INDO (Rmax: Sham-SPI Control: 121.9±8.1 N=10; Sham-SPI INDO: 81.51±9.0* N=11; OQT-SPI Control: 106.2±11.7 N=14; OQT-SPI INDO: 71.2±8.02* % to KCl 75mM, N=13; *p<0.05). Treatment with LOS did not modify Rmax to Phe. The results suggest that male sex hormone modulates vasoconstriction, by a COX-dependent pathway.
Comissão Organizadora
José Wilson do Nascimento Corrêa
Simone Potje
Gabriel Tavares do Vale
Stêfany Cau
Roger Lyrio
Simone R Potje
Alice Valença Araújo
Ruth Cristina Albuquerque Santos
Lara Caroline Amaro
Ana Dária Cassoli da Silva
Pollyana Peixoto
Izabela Moreira Bonfim
Jocimar José Pitol
Sunamita Vaz Martins
Izabela Moreira Bonfim
Palloma Emanuelle Dornelas de Melo
Daniella Bonaventura
Tagana Rosa
Sarah Victory Santana Gomes
Priscila Cruz
André Lucas Borges
Jéssyca Aparecida Soares Giesen
Leticia Tinoco Gonçalves
Silvia Maria Luna Alves
Wellington Francisco Pereira da Silva
Natália Ferreira de Araújo
Leandro de Carvalho Gomes
Comissão Científica