Vascular Impairment Induced by Cafeteria Diet: Role of Perivascular Adipose Tissue

  • Autor
  • Daniela Reis
  • Co-autores
  • Natália Nóbrega , Natália Araújo , Naiara Assis , Amanda Oliveira , Adaliene Ferreira , Luciano Capettini , Daniella Bonaventura
  • Resumo

    Introduction: The perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) is an active endocrine organ responsible for release several substances that influence on vascular tone. Since the cafeteria diet (CAF-diet) reflects the variety of high caloric and easily accessible foods in Western societies contributing to obesity, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of a CAF-diet on the PVAT control of vascular tone. Methods: (383/2016) Male Balb/c mice, 8 weeks old, received standard or CAF-diet for 4 weeks. Serum parameters of adipokines were determined. Vascular reactivity and fluorescence analyzes were performed in intact thoracic aorta in the presence or absence of PVAT. Results: When compared to a standard diet, the CAF-diet induced an increase in serum levels of leptin and led to a significant impairment in the vascular contractility induced by phenylephrine in the absence of PVAT, which was related to the activation of leptin receptors, PI3K and eNOS enzymes, resulting in increased nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production. However, the presence of PVAT significantly increased the contraction induced by phenylephrine in the CAF group, almost restoring the impairment in vascular contraction previously found in the absence of PVAT. This vasoconstrictor profile of PVAT induced by CAF-diet was associated with the activation of AT1 receptors and NADPH oxidase, leading to increased production of superoxide anions in the PVAT and activation of COX1 with production of thromboxane A2 and prostaglandin F2?. Conclusion: The CAF-diet predisposes an impairment in vascular contractility which may be associated with increased leptin serum levels triggering the signaling cascade that leads to increased NO and H2O2 production. The vasoconstrictor profile of PVAT induced by CAF-diet through the activation of AT1 receptors, oxidative stress and vasoconstrictor prostanoids may be a compensatory adaptive characteristic in an attempt to reestablish the vascular contractility and preserve the vascular function.


  • Palavras-chave
  • Obesity, Cafeteria Diet, PVAT.
  • Modalidade
  • Pôster
  • Área Temática
  • Tecido adiposo perivascular
  • Estresse oxidativo
  • Disfunção endotelial
  • Produtos naturais
  • Inflamação e doenças vasculares
  • Sinalização celular
  • Tecido adiposo perivascular
  • Sistema endócrino e doenças vasculares
  • Revisões, projetos, revisões sistemáticas e metanálises em biologia vascular
  • Educação em saúde e doenças vasculares
  • COVID-19 e complicações vasculares

Comissão Organizadora

José Wilson do Nascimento Corrêa
Simone Potje
Gabriel Tavares do Vale
Stêfany Cau
Roger Lyrio
Simone R Potje
Alice Valença Araújo
Ruth Cristina Albuquerque Santos
Lara Caroline Amaro
Ana Dária Cassoli da Silva
Pollyana Peixoto
Izabela Moreira Bonfim
Jocimar José Pitol
Sunamita Vaz Martins
Izabela Moreira Bonfim
Palloma Emanuelle Dornelas de Melo
Daniella Bonaventura
Tagana Rosa
Sarah Victory Santana Gomes
Priscila Cruz
André Lucas Borges
Jéssyca Aparecida Soares Giesen
Leticia Tinoco Gonçalves
Silvia Maria Luna Alves
Wellington Francisco Pereira da Silva
Natália Ferreira de Araújo
Leandro de Carvalho Gomes

Comissão Científica