=== Custom Query Blocks ===
Contributors: ronalfy, chrislogan, paaljoachim
Tags: custom post types, archive, mapping, gutenberg, block, taxonomy, terms
Requires at least: 5.5
Requires PHP: 5.6
Tested up to: 5.7
Stable tag: 5.0.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Donate link: https://mediaron.com/give/
A WordPress plugin for displaying posts or terms using a Gutenberg block. Works well with posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and terms.
== Description ==
A WordPress plugin for displaying posts and terms (e.g., categories) using a Gutenberg block. Works well with posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and terms.
View Documentation and Overview
The plugin currently has three blocks:
* Custom Post Types Block
* Term (Category) Grid Block
* Featured Posts by Category Block
=== Post Type Archive Mapping ===
This plugin allows you to map your custom post type archive pages. Just create a page and go to Settings->Reading to set the page for your archive.
Ensure your post types have has_archive
set to true.
You can also map term archives to pages by editing a term in the admin area.
set to true and show_in_rest
set to true.
= Can you do posts instead of pages? =
This plugin should work for any post type.
= Does this plugin work with term (e.g., category) archives? =
Yes. Edit a term and you can map it to any page.
= I need help. Can you help me? =
Yes, just post in the support forums here and I'll do my best to address your issue. For priority support, you can visit my support form.
== Screenshots ==
1. Setting up the custom post types block.
2. Styling the block.
3. New Term Grid Block.
4. Settings->Reading option.
5. Term archive option.
== Changelog ==
= 5.0.1 =
* Released 2021-02-12
* Fixed the Term block with the block erroring out when modifying the query parameters.
* Testing with WordPress 5.7.
= 5.0.0 =
* Released 2020-09-07
* Added ability to map 404 to a page.
* Fixed Gutenberg bugs in the Custom Post Types block and Featured Posts block.
= 4.5.5 =
* Released 2020-08-23
* Minimium supported version is now WordPress 5.5
* Fixed pagination for WP 5.5.
* Fixed REST API errors for WP 5.5.
* Miscellaneous block fixes and updates.
= 4.5.3 =
* Released 2020-05-17
* Added Polylang support when mapping posts. Added WPML support for the main Custom Post Types block.
= 4.5.2 =
* Released 2020-05-01
* Removing the term redirect as some pages would get "stuck."
= 4.5.1 =
* Released 2020-04-29
* Added pagination to the Featured Posts by Category Block.
= 4.5.0 =
* Released 2020-04-20
* Added featured posts by category block.
* Added block previews.
* New plugin name: Custom Query Blocks
= 4.0.5 -
* Released 2020-04-16
* Added compatibility for Yoast SEO.
= 4.0.1 =
* Released 2020-04-12
* New block: Term (Category) Grid Block.
* HOT FIX: Term Grid wasn't loading.
= 3.3.5 =
* Released 2020-04-07
* Updated plugin architecture.
* Show mapped pages and its own column.
* Mapped term pages now redirect to the correct term.
* Added new contributor: Paal Joachim.
= 3.3.1 =
* Released 2020-04-01
* Fixing PHP notice saying invalid argument for foreach statement.
= 3.3.0 =
* Released 2020-03-11
* New full post mode for showing off the full post.
* Option to remove the link from the title.
= 3.2.2 =
* Released 2020-02-10
* Plugin was having conflicts with other admin screens when saving terms, resulting in a 403 error.
= 3.2.1 =
* Released 2020-02-03
* Added support for translations.
* Revised loading screen to make it easier on translators.
= 3.2.0 =
* Released 2020-02-03
* Added ability to map term archives to pages.
= 3.1.1 =
* Released 2020-02-01
* Added several order and orderby parameters.
= 3.1.0 =
* Released 2020-01-26
* Removing custom field placeholder if a custom field isn't present.
* Removing continue reading link and post link if custom post type isn't publicly queryable.
* Wrapping excerpt in paragraph tag.
* Add class to readmore paragraph tag for styling.
* Hiding styles options if override styles is present.
* Changing verbiage of remove styles to Override styles.
* Added support for Adobe fonts through https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-typekit-fonts/
= 3.0.9 =
* Released 2019-12-08
* Added the ability to set a fallback image for the featured image.
= 3.0.7 =
* Released 2019-12-05
* Fixing pagination when a page with the Gutenberg block is set as the front page.
= 3.0.6 =
* Released 2019-12-05
* Moving featured image to its own panel in Gutenberg settings.
* Moving title to its own panel in Gutenberg settings.
* Cleaning up editor styles for headings.
* Adding ability to change the heading HTML tag.
= 3.0.5 =
* Released 2019-12-05
* Adding ability to remove styles so that you can style your own layout.
= 3.0.0 =
* Released 2019-12-03
* Adding custom field support.
* Updating REST API for faster loading.
= 2.2.2 =
* Released 2019-12-02
* Added ability to remove title from displaying.
* Added new branded loading animation.
= 2.2.1 =
* Released 2019-10-29
* Testing up to WordPress 5.3.
* Fixing JS error when jQuery is not defined as a $ variable.
= 2.2.0 =
* Released 2019-08-23
* Bug fix when in grid mode and image is placed below the title.
* Bug fix: skipping taxonomies when there are none.
* Bug fix: fixing capitalization error.
* Enhancement: You can now select fonts for your content areas.
= 2.1.2 =
* Released 2019-06-11
* Fixing pagination
= 2.1.1 =
* Released 2019-05-26
* Some users were seeing featured images twice in the back-end.
= 2.1.0 =
* Released 2019-05-25
* Fixed Gravatar sizing not saving.
* Changing the way excerpts are shown in Gutenberg.
* Added the ability to change taxonomy location.
* Content can now be centered in the Grid view.
* Added border, padding, and background style options in Gutenberg block.
* Added color options for text in Gutenberg block.
= 2.0.7 =
* Released 2019-05-24
* Added the ability to trim the excerpt length.
* Reduce the file size of the Gutenberg block script using a new build technique.
= 2.0.5 =
* Released 2019-04-21
* Conditional term filtering
= 2.0.4 =
* Released 2019-04-18
* Adding support for six columns
* Fixing undefined index error
= 2.0.3 =
* Released 2019-03-29
* Fixed term not being saved when displaying posts
= 2.0.1 =
* Released 2019-01-17
* Fixed pagination when using a page with just the block
= 2.0.1 =
* Released 2019-01-17
* Fixing bug where arguments weren't an array when switching reading types in Settings->Reading.
= 2.0.0 =
* Released 2019-01-06
* Numerous enhancements to the Gutenberg block including showing taxonomies, setting the image type (Avatar vs Regular), setting where the featured image is displayed, selecting the image size, and much more.
= 1.0.1 =
* Released 2018-11-07
* WordPress 5.0 compatibility
= 1.0.0 =
* Released 2018-09-24
* Initial release.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 5.0.1 =
Fixed the Term block with the block erroring out when modifying the query parameters. Testing with WordPress 5.7.