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Sexta, 20 de maio de 2022 Das 14:00 às 15:00

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Live Webinar: "Developing the EAP teacher knowledge base" - Dr. Carole MacDiarmid (University of Glasgow)

Abrindo a nossa série de webinars em comemoração aos 10 anos do LLAC, no dia 20 de maio às 14h (BRT), receberemos diretamente da universidade de Glasgow a Profa. Dra. Carole MacDiarmid, que se juntará a nós para falar de algumas questões relacionadas às necessidades do professor de inglês para fins acadêmicos.

*Esse evento será conduzido em inglês.

For the first meeting of our webinar series in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Laboratory of Academic Literacy - FFLCH/USP (https://letramentoacademico.fflch.usp.br), Dr. Carole MacDiarmid (University of Glasgow) will join us to give a talk on the necessities of the EAP teacher, focusing on two main questions:

What skills and knowledge do we need as EAP teachers? How can we facilitate sustainable continuing professional development?

Dr. Carole Macdiarmid

Dr Carole MacDiarmid is a Senior Lecturer and English for Academic (EAP) Purposes Manager for Teacher Development in English for Academic Study at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Carole has extensive experience in EAP course design and teacher education and currently co-leads the TESOL masters programmes, including convening the Teaching EAP online postgraduate course. She is an active member of BALEAP, a ‘global forum for EAP practitioners’. Carole is an Assessor for the BALEAP accreditation schemes and was involved in the development of the BALEAP TEAP fellowship scheme for individuals, and is BALEAP senior fellow, mentor and assessor. She also co-leads the BALEAP Teacher Education in EAP Special Interest Group. Her research interests include EAP teacher competencies, pedagogies in EAP and spoken academic discourse.

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Laboratório de Letramento Acadêmico - FFLCH/USP