3rd International Conference on Competition and Innovation

3rd International Conference on Competition and Innovation

Faça sua inscrição
De 9 a 11 de December Todos os dias das 00h00 às 00h00

Sobre o Evento

O Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação - IBCI - é um think tank aberto e sem fins lucrativos criado em 2012 a partir da iniciativa conjunta de um grupo de Professores da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O IBCI prega valores de livre iniciativa, livre concorrência, inovação, level playing field para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa, com mais bem-estar e menos desigualdade por meio de mercados abertos e competitivos.

Fazendo jus aos seus pilares de existência, o IBCI é composto por um quadro multidisciplinar e 100% paritário de diretores e diretoras, isto é, 50% mulheres e 50% homens, todos com reconhecido destaque em suas respectivas áreas de pesquisa, docência e atuação profissional. Para mais informações sobre os quadros do IBCI, visite nosso site: www.ibcibr.com.br

Um pouco sobre o seminário: nessa terceira edição e procurando converter a crise ocasionada pela COVID-19 em oportunidade, ampliamos nosso seminário para um evento de 3 dias consecutivos com palestrantes e debatedores dos 4 continentes (América do Sul, América do Norte, Europa e Ásia). Esse seleto grupo de referências nacionais e internacionais estará engajado para proporcionar aos participantes acesso ao estado da arte nos diversos temas e esferas do conhecimento cobertos pelo evento.

Na organização do evento, procuramos ter um cuidado especial para evitar a endogenia acadêmica, bem assim, procuramos proporcionar real debate das distintas vertentes de pensamento existentes. E, frise-se, como se trata de um evento sem qualquer finalidade lucrativa ou agenda política, os participantes terão acesso a discussões e temáticas que fugirão do mainstream usualmente encontrado em eventos do gênero, como por exemplo um painel exclusivo sobre a Escola Austríaca a bem de proporcionar um contraponto às tradicionais escolas do Direito Antitruste, Regulação Econômica e Desenvolvimento Econômico mundo afora.

Aos estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação, reforçamos o convite a participar do seminário, pois emitiremos certificado, bem como passar a acompanhar as atividades do Instituto, dos debates às pesquisas!

The Brazilian Institute of Competition and Innovation - IBCI - is an open, non-profit think tank created in 2012 based on the joint initiative of a group of Professors from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) and from University of São Paulo (USP). IBCI preaches values of free initiative, free competition, innovation, and level playing field to build a more just society, with more welfare and less inequality through open and competitive markets.

Living up to its pillars of existence, the IBCI is composed of a multidisciplinary and 100% equal number of directors, that is, 50% women and 50% men, all with recognized prominence in their respective areas of research and academy. For more information on IBCI staff, visit our website: www.ibcibr.com.br

A little bit about the seminar: in this third edition and looking to convert the crisis caused by COVID-19 into an opportunity, we extended our seminar to a 3-day 100% online event with speakers and panelists from the 4 continents (South America, North America, Europe and Asia). This select group of national and international references will be engaged to provide participants with access to the state of the art in the various themes and spheres of knowledge intended to be covered by the event.

In organizing the event, we sought to take special care to avoid academic endogeny, as well as, to provide a real debate on the different strands of reasoning that exist in the real world. And, it should be noted, as this is an event without any profit or political agenda, participants will have access to discussions and themes that will escape the mainstream usually found in events of this kind, such as an exclusive panel on the Austrian School providing a counterpoint to the traditional schools of Antitrust Law, Economic Regulation and Economic Development worldwide.

To the undergraduate and graduate students, we reinforce the invitation to participate in the seminar, as we will give academic certificates, as well as start monitoring and engaging in the Institute's activities, from debates to research initiatives, publications and the like!


  • Eduardo M. Gaban
  • Juliana O. Domingues
  • Vinícius Klein
  • Adriano Paranaiba
  • Ana Frazão
  • André Santa Cruz
  • Alexandre Naoki Nishioka
  • Alexandre Barreto
  • Aluísio de Freitas Miele
  • Amanda Athayde
  • Ana Cristina Gomes
  • André Mendonça
  • Ariel Ezrachi
  • Barack Orbach
  • Bruno Bianco
  • Caio Andrade
  • Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira Schmidt
  • Elana Sousa
  • Fabiola Zibetti
  • Fernando Furlan
  • Frédéric Marty
  • Geanluca Lorenzon
  • Giacomo Pailli
  • Guilherme Mendes
  • Helene Andersson
  • Helio Beltrão
  • Ivo Gico
  • Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman
  • Jéssica Nemeth
  • John Newman
  • Jorge Grumberg
  • Juan David Gutiérrez
  • Juliano Maranhão
  • Lenisa Prado
  • Laura Zoboli
  • Giuseppe Pinelli
  • Luciana Yeung
  • Luiz Esteves
  • Magali Eben
  • Matt Prewitt
  • Min. Ricardo Cueva
  • Márcio Schusterschitz
  • Marco Botta
  • Marco Poli
  • Maurice Stucke
  • Maria Fernanda Madi
  • Nina-Luisa Siedler
  • Paula Farani
  • Paula Forgioni
  • Paulo Furquim
  • Penelope Alexia Giosa
  • Roberto Augusto Castellanos Pfeiffer
  • Rory Van Loo
  • Sarah Ferreira
  • Thaiz Batista
  • Thibault Schrepel
  • Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson
  • Vicente Bagnoli
  • Luis Henrique Bertolino Braido


09h00 - Eduardo M. Gaban, Geanluca Lorenzon, Ivo Gico, Nina-Luisa Siedler, Thibault Schrepel 1st Panel - English speaker panel: Blockchain Code as Antitrust Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Blockchain Code as Antitrust

Speaker: Thibault Schrepel (IBCI – Board / University of Utrech / Stanford Law)

Speaker: Geanluca Lorenzon (SEAE/ME)

Speaker: Nina Siedler (INATIBA)

Debater: Ivo Gico (UniCeub)

Moderator: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director, PUC-SP)

11h00 - Alexandre Naoki Nishioka, Bruno Bianco, Caio Andrade, Elana Sousa, Guilherme Mendes, Luciana Yeung 2nd Panel - Portuguese speaker panel: Tax and bureaucracy as the enemies to innovation Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Tax and bureaucracy as the enemies to innovation

Speaker: Caio Andrade (Secretário de Desburocratização e Governo Digital)

Speaker: Bruno Bianco (Secretário Especial de Previdência e Trabalho)

Speaker: Luciana Yeung (INSPER)

Debater: Guilherme Mendes (USP)

Debater: Elana Soares Matos (SERPRO)

Moderator: Alexandre Naoki Nishioka (IBCI – Director / USP)

14h00 - Amanda Athayde, Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira Schmidt, Eduardo M. Gaban, Helene Andersson, Márcio Schusterschitz 3rd Panel - English speaker panel: Remediating Cartels Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Remediating Cartels

Speaker: Helene Andersson (Stockhom University)

Speaker: Cristiane Alkimin (Secretária da Economia do Estado de Goiás)

Debater: Marcio Schusterschitz (MPF)

Debater: Amanda Athayde (UNB/WIA)

Moderator: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director / PUC-SP)

16h00 - Giacomo Pailli, Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman, Jorge Grumberg, Vinícius Klein 4th Panel - English speaker panel: Competition for transitioning economies Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Competition for transitioning economies

Speaker: Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman (University of Zagreb)

Speaker: Giacomo Pailli (Firenze School of Law)

Debater: Jorge Grumberg (University of Chile)

Moderator: Vinícius Klein (IBCI – Director / UFPR)

18h00 - Eduardo M. Gaban, Fabiola Zibetti, Fernando Furlan, Juan David Gutiérrez, Min. Ricardo Cueva 5th Panel – English / Spanish speaker panel: Specializing Courts: is it desirable? Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Specializing Courts: is it desirable?

Speaker: Juan David Gutiérrez (ASCOLA Colombia)

Speaker: Min. Ricardo Cueva (STJ / IDP)

Speaker: Fernando Furlan (MERCOSUR / UNCTAD / UNICEPLAC)

Debater: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director/ PUC-SP)

Moderator: Fabiola Zibetti (IBCI – Director / University of Chile)

Opening Round table: Is Competition and innovation radical?

Is Competition and innovation radical?

Speaker: Matt Prewitt (RxC – CEO)

Debater: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director, PUC-SP)

Moderator: Juliana O. Domingues (IBCI – Director, USP, ASCOLA Brasil)

Às08h00 - Sala do Zoom.
09h00 - Frédéric Marty, Juliano Maranhão, Laura Zoboli, Thibault Schrepel 1st Panel - English speaker panel: Competition Challenges in Digital Markets Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Competition Challenges in Digital Markets

Speaker: Frédéric Marty (University of Nice)

Speaker: Laura Zoboli (University of Warsaw)

Debater: Juliano Maranhão (USP)

Moderator: Thibault Schrepel (IBCI – Board / University of Utrech / Stanford Law)

11h00 - Magali Eben, Paula Farani, Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson, Vinícius Klein 2nd Panel - English speaker panel: Market Definition in the Digital Age Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Market Definition in the Digital Age

Speaker: Magali Eben (University of Glasglow)

Speaker: Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson (Vienna University of Economics and Business; University of Graz)

Debater: Paula Farani (CADE)

Moderator: Vinícius Klein (IBCI – Director / UFPR)

14h00 - Barack Orbach, Eduardo M. Gaban, Lenisa Prado, Vinícius Klein 3rd Panel - English speaker panel: Competition Law and the Movie Industry Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Competition Law and the Movie Industry

Speaker: Barack Orbach (University of Arizona)

Speaker: Lenisa Prado (CADE)

Debater: Vinícius Klein (IBCI – Director / UFPR)

Moderator: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director / PUC-SP)

16h00 - Aluísio de Freitas Miele, Ana Cristina Gomes, Sarah Ferreira 4th Panel - English, Spanish and Portuguese speaker panel: Competition and Innovation in the next generation Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Competition and Innovation in the next generation - Selected Scientific Papers

Speakers: drafts selected

Debater: Ana Cristina Gomes

Debater: Sarah Ferreira

Debater: Aluísio Miele

18h00 - Eduardo M. Gaban, John Newman, Paulo Furquim, Roberto Augusto Castellanos Pfeiffer, Rory Van Loo 5th Panel - English speaker panel: Attention as the new competition drive Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Attention as the new competition drive

Speaker: John Newman (University of Miami)

Speaker: Paulo Furquim (INSPER)

Speaker: Rory Van Loo (Boston University)

Debater: Roberto Augusto Castellanos Pfeiffer (USP)

Moderator: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director / PUC-SP)

09h00 - Adriano Paranaiba, André Santa Cruz, Helio Beltrão, Marco Poli, Thaiz Batista 1st Panel - English speaker panel: The “breaking up big-techs” upon the Austrian School perspective Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

The “breaking up big-techs” upon the Austrian School perspective

Speaker: Helio Beltrão (Instituto Mises Brasil)

Speaker: Marco Poli (ClosedGap Ventures)

Debater: Adriano Paranaiba (SEAE/ME)

Debater: Thaiz Batista (Instituto Mises Brasil)

Moderator: André Santa Cruz (IBCI – Director / IESB)

11h00 - Giuseppe Pinelli, Jéssica Nemeth, Marco Botta, Vicente Bagnoli 2nd Panel - English speaker panel: The EU Digital Services Act Package Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

The EU Digital Services Act Package

Speaker: Marco Botta (European University Institute; Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)

Speaker: Giuseppe Pinelli (LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome)

Debater: Jessica Nemeth (Utrecht University)

Moderator: Vicente Bagnoli (Mackenzie / ASCOLA Brasil)

14h00 - Ana Frazão, Ariel Ezrachi, Maurice Stucke, Vinícius Klein 3rd Panel - English speaker panel: Competition Overdose Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Competition Overdose

Speaker: Ariel Ezrachi (Oxford University)

Speaker: Maurice Stucke (University of Tennessee)

Debater: Ana Frazão (UNB)

Moderator: Vinícius Klein (IBCI – Director/ UFPR)

16h00 - Alexandre Barreto, Luis Henrique Bertolino Braido, Luiz Esteves, Maria Fernanda Madi, Penelope Alexia Giosa, Vinícius Klein 4th Panel - English speaker panel: Competition Law and COVID Mesa Temática
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Competition Law and COVID

Speaker: Penelope Giosa (University of Portsmouth)

Speaker: Alexandre Barreto (CADE President)

Debater: Luiz A. Estevez (UFPR)

Debater: Maria Fernanda Madi (WIA)

Moderator: Vinícius Klein (IBCI – Director / UFPR)

18h00 - André Mendonça Special speech on innovation within the legal enforcement Encerramento
Local: Sala zoom

Special speech on innovation within the legal enforcement

Prof. André Mendonça (Mackenzie Brasilia / Ministry of Justice and Public Safety)

19h00 - Eduardo M. Gaban, Paula Forgioni O futuro do antitruste - Keynote speech Sessão Solene
Local: Sala do Zoom.

Keynote speech

Profa. Paula Forgioni (USP)

Moderator: Eduardo M. Gaban (IBCI – Director / PUC-SP)

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Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação - IBCI

O Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação (IBCI) é um think-tank aberto e sem fins lucrativos. O IBCI prega valores de livre iniciativa, livre concorrência, inovação, level playing field para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa, com mais bem-estar e menos desigualdade por meio de mercados abertos e competitivos.