6th International Symposium on Immunology

6th International Symposium on Immunology

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De 15 a 17 de outubro Todos os dias das 08h00 às 18h00

Sobre o Evento

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Imunologia Básica e Aplicada (PPGIBA) do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Amazonas promoverá em Manaus o "6th International Symposium on Immunology', no período de 15 a 17 de outubro de 2018, um evento alusivo aos 10 anos de sua fundação. O Encontro tem como principal objetivo oportunizar a difusão dos avanços em imunologia a toda comunidade acadêmica e aos profissionais envolvidos direta ou indiretamente com área. Pretendemos contar com a participação de dirigentes, pesquisadores e professores de Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa nacionais e internacionais com notória atuação em Ciência e Tecnologia. O intercâmbio entre os diversos participantes será dado por meio da realização de mini-cursos, mesa redonda, conferências, eventos culturais e exposições técnico-científicas e institucionais.


  • Ruxana T Sadikot
  • João Santana da Silva
  • Lúcia Helena Faccioli
  • Carlos Arterio Sorgi
  • Geraldo Aleixo da Silva Passos Júnior
  • José Carlos Farias Alves Filho
  • Maria Cristina dos Santos
  • Sérgio Roberto Lopes Albuquerque
  • Andrea Belém Costa
  • Pritesh Lalwani
  • Paulo Afonso Nogueira
  • Pedro Manoel Mendes de Moraes Vieira
  • Antonio Luiz Boechat Lopes
  • André Luiz Barbosa Bafica
  • Rafael Brito da Silva
  • Oscar Tadeu Ferreira da Costa
  • Jose Fernando Marques
  • Rajendranath Ramasawmy
  • Adriana Malheiro Alle Marie
  • Vitor Bortolo de Rezende


12h00 Credenciamento Credenciamento
Local: auditório

Entrega de materiais

13h30 - Rafael Brito da Silva Papel Inflamatório da Micróglia em Doenças Neuronais Minicurso
Local: Auditório

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Rafael Brito da Silva - UFAL

15h30 Abertura Abertura
Local: Auditório

Abertura oficial do evento

16h30 - Ruxana T Sadikot TREM-1 in lung inflammation and cancer Conferência
Local: auditório

Palestrante: Ruxana T. Sadikot

17h30 Memorial Lecture: 10 years of PPGIBA Palestra
Local: auditório

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Antonio Luiz Boechat Lopes

17h30 - Antonio Luiz Boechat Lopes 10 years of PPGIBA Palestra
Local: auditório
18h00 Coquetel de abertura Coquetel
Local: Lobby

Celebração dos 10 anos do PPGIBA

08h00 - Jose Fernando Marques, Oscar Tadeu Ferreira da Costa Ferramentas de Investigação de Lesão Tecidual  Minicurso
Local: Auditório

Palestrantes: Prof. Dr Oscar Tadeu Ferreira Costa e Prof. Dr. José Fernando Marques Barcelos - PPGIBA - ICB-UFAM

10h00 Coffee Break Coffee break
Local: Lobby
10h15 - João Santana da Silva Aprendendo Imunologia com patógenos Palestra
Local: auditório

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. João Santana da Silva

10h50 - Paulo Afonso Nogueira Malaria impairs resistance to Salmonella through dysfunctional of phagocytic cell lineages Palestra
Local: auditório

Malaria and Salmonella co-infection has been associated with increased mortality in children in sub-Saharan Africa. The mechanisms by which malaria contributes to increased risk of Salmonella bacteremia propose impairments of mucosal barrier and phagocytic cell functions, and antibody production. Here, we developed a murine model of malaria – Salmonella typhi coinfection that allowed characterizing a Plasmodium berghei infection rendered BALB/c mice susceptible to Salmonella typhi invasion. Malaria altered flora and homeostasis of intestine, and bacteremia was confirmed by bacteria dissemination to liver and spleen. Cytokines analysis showed malaria induced elevation of TNFα and IFNγ that were exacerbated in coinfected mice. Malaria impaired phagocytosis even in medullar myeloid lineages indicating major mechanism of susceptibility. Thus, inflammatory cytokines produced during the immune response to malaria increases susceptibility to disseminated Salmonella infection by suppressing the ability of myeloid cells to control bacterial infection

11h25 - Carlos Arterio Sorgi Membrane Lipid-therapy: molecular bases of innovative therapeutic approaches for immunology Palestra
Local: auditório

"Membrane Lipid-therapy: molecular bases of innovative therapeutic approaches for immunology".

13h00 - Vitor Bortolo de Rezende Technical session: Inovação em citometria de fluxo com Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer - Thermo Fisher Scientific / Teclab da Amazônia Sessão técnica
Local: Auditório

Empresa: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Representante: Teclab da Amazônia

Palestrante: Dr. Vitor Bortolo de Rezende

14h00 - Pedro Manoel Mendes de Moraes Vieira New clues in macrophage immunometabolic regulation Palestra
Local: auditório

New clues in macrophage immunometabolic regulation

14h35 - André Luiz Barbosa Bafica Mycobacterium tuberculosis hijacks monocyte differentiation: interleukins, interferons and disease severity Palestra
Local: auditório

In this talk, I will present data supporting the idea that Mtb takes advantage of evolutionary conserved pathways to induce cellular differentiation and establish itself in the human host. Additionally, I will discuss implications of our data in the context of infection biology and tuberculosis pathogenesis as well as will speculate about host-directed therapies involving interleukins and interferons.

15h10 - Geraldo Aleixo da Silva Passos Júnior Promiscuous gene expression in the thymus mirrors the self Palestra
Local: auditório
The homeostasis of the immune system depends on the self-non-self recognition and distinction. The thymus gland is the organ involved in this phenomenon where the mTEC cells express a myriad of peripheral tissue antigens (PTAs). Due to the wide variety of PTAs, this process was termed "promiscuous gene expression (PGE). In this talk we will discuss the role played by Aire, Fezf2 and microRNAs in the molecular control of PGE, which is important for self-representation, elimination of autoreactive thymocyte clones, and induction of immunological tolerance.
15h45 Coffee Break Coffee break
Local: Lobby
16h15 Poster session Sessão técnica
Local: Hall
09h00 - José Carlos Farias Alves Filho Imunometabolismo Palestra
Local: auditório

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. José Carlos Farias Alves Filho

09h35 - Pritesh Lalwani Tryptophan metabolism in Vivax infection Palestra
Local: auditório
In this talk, I will present data supporting the role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) in induction of T regulatory cells in Plasmodium vivax infection.
10h10 Coffee Break 3 Coffee break
Local: Lobby
10h40 - Maria Cristina dos Santos Venenos, antivenenos, tratamentos alternativos e imunodiagnóstico Palestra
Local: auditório

Palestrante: Profa. Dra Maria Cristina dos Santos

11h15 - Sérgio Roberto Lopes Albuquerque Immunohematology Palestra
Local: auditório

This lecture aims to address the importance of immunohematology in transfusion safety, as well as in the diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, addressing its history and technological advances, as well as knowledge about the erythrocyte membrane, genetic and immunological characteristics of the blood group systems, auto and allo antibodies involved in a transfusion reaction.

14h00 - Adriana Malheiro Alle Marie Hepatitis C virus infection: immunological aspects and clinical implications Palestra
Local: auditório
14h35 - Rajendranath Ramasawmy Variants of tolls like receptors pathways in human protozoan infectious diseases Palestra
Local: auditório
15h10 - Antonio Luiz Boechat Lopes Cardiovascular Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Inflammation Driven Tryptophan Catabolism Contribution to Risk Stratification Palestra
Local: auditório

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) affects 1% of worldwide population and it’s the most common autoimmune disease. RA is chronic inflammatory synovial polyarthritis that leads to bone erosion and work disability. Since the disease is associated with early and progressive atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases are the most common causes of death within RA patients. Common cardiovascular risk factors do not explain the excessive risk of cardiovascular risk for RA. Many efforts have been made by rheumatologists to identify clinical and biological markers to help cardiovascular risk stratification. The activation of immune system through CD4+ Th1, CD8+ and macrophages increases the catabolism of tryptophan into kynurenine and other tryptophan metabolites. These cells play a major role into atherosclerosis and synovial inflammation. In this presentation, we show that tryptophan and kinurenine are associated with disease activity and intima-media thickness from carotid arterial wall.

15h45 - Andrea Belém Costa Immunology of Aquatic Animals Palestra
Local: auditório
The lecture will focus on aspects of aquatic animal immunology and will be divided into immunology of molluscs - abalone and oysters, immunology of crustaceans – shrimp and immunology of fish. We will highlight the immunological characteristics of these animals, the form of immune response that these organisms use and the progress of research in this area.
16h20 Coffee Break 4 Coffee break
Local: Lobby
17h00 - Lúcia Helena Faccioli New Functional Aspects of Lipid Mediators Conferência
Local: auditório

Envenomation by the scorpion Tityus serrulatus induces interleukin IL-1β production, which causes inflammation, lung edema and death. Bioactive lipids such as prostaglandin (PG)E2 and leukotriene (LT)B4 modulate the production of IL-1β, lung edema and mortality. Recently we identify the molecular mechanisms controlled by the interplay between CD14 and CD36, and identify how these molecules regulate eicosanoid metabolism and IL-1β release, during scorpion envenomation.

18h00 Encerramento e Premiação dos melhores posteres Encerramento
Local: auditório

Premiação dos melhores posteres e encerramento

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Hotel Novotel Manaus, 69075-140, Avenida Mandii, 04, Distrito Industrial, Manaus, Amazonas
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Imunologia Básica e Aplicada (PPGIBA) - UFAM

O Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Imunologia Básica e Aplicada (PPGIBA) tem como proposta qualificar em nível de mestrado e doutorado, profissionais graduados nas áreas de Ciências Biológicas, Ciências da Saúde e em áreas afins, de forma que esta qualificação reflita no ensino e pesquisa, preparando estes profissionais, principalmente, para atuarem nas Universidades, Instituições de Pesquisa, Fundações de Saúde e Instituições de ensino médio e fundamental, dos municípios da região Norte.