Coniocybe Ach. is here resurrected and kept different from Chaenotheca Th. Fr. The only calicioid described by Linnaeus, Mucor furfuraceum, was referred to Coniocybe by Acharius in 1816, along with C. stilbea Ach., C. brachypoda Ach., and C. gracilenta Ach. Numerous species, sometimes belonging to rather remotely related clades were subsequently described in Coniocybe. Coniocybe brachypoda and C. furfuracea were later transferred to Chaenotheca Th.Fr. based on morphological and secondary chemistry evidence. Comparisons of ITS sequences have now demonstrated that within Chaenotheca s. lat. there are some clades which are both morphologically, and chemically well characterized. Coniocybe is one of those clades, and based on molecular data (ITS, LSU and RPB1), Coniocybe is here resurrected and emended to include, apart for its type C. furfuracea, also C. brachypoda Ach.