Morro do Chapeu is located in the north sector of Chapada Diamantina Highlands. Most of this highlands large open-folded sedimentary structure consist in a distinct landscape among the Brazilian semi-arid. Combined with the geo-environmental history and the higher rainfall values in relation to other semi-arid locations, this a zone of extreme priority conservation. Its biodiversity is mostly concentrated in private and state protected areas. Although a great deal of endemic species are present, the scientific potential of the region is still underrated. A first collection made in the area, focused solely in terricolous and saxicolous lichens, resulted in the identification of 10 terricolous Cladoniaceae: Cladia aggregata (Sw.) Nyl. , Cladonia arcuata Ahti, C. bahiana Ahti , C. crispatula (Nyl.) Ahti, C. confusa R. Sant., C. dendroides (Abbayes) Ahti, C. furcata (Huds.) Schrad., C. kalbii (Ahti) Ahti & DePriest , C. miniata G. Mey. And C. obscurata Ahti. From this list, only C. bahiana was already cited, being this site the typus’ locality. Previous works cited the ocurrence of Cladonia brasiliensis (Nyl.) Vain.. C. dissecta Ahti, C. friabilis Ahti, C. pityrophylla Nyl., and C. subradiata (Vain.) Sandst., The locality displays a high diversity of lichens, be it from the family Cladoniaceae or several other taxa, and thus ought to be mantained a priority area for conservation.