• Author
  • Ma. Pía Rodríguez
  • Co-authors
  • Andrea Michlig , Lidia Ferraro
  • Abstract



    The aim of this study is to present a revision of the species of the genus Emmanuelia Ant. Simon, Lücking & Goffinet (Peltigeraceae, Lobarioideae) in the forests of northern Argentina. This monophyletic genus was recently described to accommodate a group of species previously treated as members of Lobaria (Schreb.) Hoffm., which were later included within Ricasolia De Not., based on molecular data and morphological characters, such as the anatomy of the apothecia and the shape of the ascospores. It currently comprises twelve species with a subtropical to tropical geographical distribution. Emmanuelia species are characterized by trebouxioid algae as primary photobiont, cephalodia sometimes present, apothecia with raised margin and  amphithecium and parathecium separated by the photobiont layer, acicular ascospores, and gyrophoric (major) and congirophoric acids (minor or absent) as main secondary compounds, with the exception of one species which does not show any TLC detectable chemicals (E. pseudolivacea (Zahlbr.) Lücking, Moncada & Ant. Simon). Eighty-nine specimens deposited in the CTES herbarium from different localities in the study area were analyzed. Morphological and anatomical analyses were carried out using standard stereoscopic and compound light microscopes. Lichenic substances were identified with colour spot reactions with 10% potassium hydroxide (K), sodium hypochlorite (C), and K followed by C (KC). As results, three species of the genus were determined: E. erosa (Eschw.) Lücking, M. Cáceres & Ant. Simon; E. pseudolivacea (Zahlbr.) Lücking, Moncada & Ant. Simon, and E. tenuis (Vain.) Lücking, Moncada & Gumboski. Of which, the distribution of E. tenuis (previously cited for the province of Misiones under the name Lobaria tenuis Vain.) is extended for the country, and E. erosa and E. pseudolivacea are recorded for the first time in Argentina.

  • Keywords
  • Modality
  • Pôster
  • Subject Area
  • Fungal phylogeny/taxonomy
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