According to estimations, there are around 3,600 species of lichens in Colombia, however, only 1,662 have been recorded. Knowledge about the lichen fungi in the Colombian Caribbean region and, in particular in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, is limited due to lack of exploration. Among the foliose lichens, the species of the family Physciaceae Zahlbr. are dominant in open environments such as roadsides and disturbed forests, common situations on the northwestern slope of this mountainous massif, where increased pressure from human activities has accelerated deforestation. From the review and identification of 80 collection specimens, and thanks to the collaboration of experts from the Grupo Colombiano de Liquenología - GCOL, 17 species of Physciaceae are described, and the genus Physcia (Schreb.) Michx is registered for the first time for the SNSM, notes on their distribution, habitat, and diagnostic characteristics are presented, and a key for the identification of the species is proposed.