<center>11th International Meeting on Information, Knowledge and Action</center>

11th International Meeting on Information, Knowledge and Action


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From 11th to 19th March Every day from 00h00 to 23h59

About the Event

The 11th version of the EIICA will take place as a virtual-only event, held on March 16-19, 2021.

Workshops held on March 15-16, 2021.

- Workshop Big Data & Humanities

- Workshop Cognition & Computational Modeling.

This virtual-only event is organized by the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM) and by the Brazilian Society on Cognitive Science (SBCC), with several partnerships and the support of CAPES.


In order to have a good conference, when entering the conference rooms, we ask you to keep the microphones and cameras closed. Questions can be sent to your room chair by chat.

We hope everyone has a great event!

Work Submission Period : February 08-19, 2021.


Work Evaluation Period : February 22 - March 05.

Work Results Divulgation: March 10, 2021.


From a philosophical-interdisciplinary perspective, EIICA traditionally involves areas such as Artiticial and Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy of Mind and Information, Education & Digital Tecnologies, Cognitive Linguistics, Modeling and Simulation in Human and Social Sciences, Knowledge Engineering, and others areas that integrate the Cognitive Sciences.

For better evaluation, four interdisciplinary thematic areas for the submission of works were named.

Thematic areas:

- Cognition and Educational Technologies;

- Cognition, Logic and Computational Modeling;

- Cognition and Experimental Phenomenolgy;

- Big Data, Data Analysis and Humanities.


  • Paul Bourgine
  • Mario Villalobos
  • Jorge Louçã
  • Jean Claude Régnier
  • Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez
  • William Barbosa Gomes
  • Salima Hassas
  • Alexander Gerner
  • Guiou Kobayashi
  • João de Fernandes Teixeira
  • Frédéric Amblard
  • Franck Varenne
  • Jeffrey Johnson
  • Zdzislaw Wasik
  • Ítala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano


10h00 - Franck Varenne Mini Course: Simple Vs. complex models: the changing roles of parsimony in Agent-Based Models Short course

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10:00 - 12:00 AM

Franck Varenne (University of Rouen, France)

Chair: Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

14h00 - Ítala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano, Zdzislaw Wasik Pre-conference Session: 1) On the investigative domain of epistemology / 2) Science, Non-Classical Logics, Quasi-truth and the Ex Falso Conferência

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2:00 - 4:00 PM

Pre-conference Session:

1) On the investigative domain of epistemology: Discussing the status of knowledge on metascientific, psychophysiological, semiotic-phenomenological, and ethical-moral levels - Zdzislaw Wasik (Wrocklaw School of Banking)
2) Science, Non-Classical Logics, Quasi-truth and the Ex Falso - Ítala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano (CLE / University of Campinas)

Chair: William Gomes (UFRGS)

16h30 Workshop Big Data and Humanities (Part 1) Workshop

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4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Autonomous action/opinion in the age of Digital Humanities - Maria Eunice Quilice Gonzalez (UNESP)

Jeffrey Johnson (The Open University, UK)

Some reflections on Big Data and Cognitive Systems - João Kogler (USP)

Chair: Mariana Vitti (UNESP/Marília)

10h00 - Jorge Louçã Conference Session: 1) The digital transformation of the public sphere / 2) Hate speech in the scientific discourse: a study of the international scientific production Conferência

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10:00 - 12:00 AM

Conference Session:

1) The digital transformation of the public sphere - Jorge Louçã (Universidade de Lisboa)

2) Hate speech in the scientific discourse: a study of the international scientific production - Daniel Martínez-Ávila (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Chair: Mariana Vitti Rodrigues (UNESP)

14h00 - Frédéric Amblard Mini Course: Agent-Based Modelling in Cognitive and Social Sciences Short course

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2:00 - 4:00 PM

Frédéric Amblard (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse - IRIT)

Chair: Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

16h30 Workshop Big Data and Humanities (Part 2) Workshop

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4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Vinícius Romanini (ECA/USP)

Mariana Claudia Broens (UNESP-Marília)

Mariana Vitti (UNESP/Marília)

Chair: José Artur Quilici Gonzalez (UFABC)

08h00 Registration Adjustment Accreditation

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8:00 - 8:30 AM

08h30 Official Opening Opening

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8:30 - 9:00 AM

The President of the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM)

- Magnífico Reitor Janir Alves Soares

Head of the Graduate Program on Human Sciences

- Ana Cristina Pereira Lage (Professor, UFVJM)

Members of the 11th EIICA Organizing Commission

- Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (Professor, UFVJM)

- Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (Professor, UNESP)

- Elayne de Moura Braga (Professor, UFVJM)

09h00 - Jorge Louçã, Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez Conference Session: 1) Autonomy of action in the era of Big Data & Digital Humanities / 2) The spread of discourse, and his mediation effect Conferência

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9:00 - 11:00 AM

Conference Session:

1) Autonomy of action in the era of Big Data & Digital Humanities - Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (UNESP/Marília),
2) The spread of discourse, and his mediation effect - Jorge Louçã (Universidade de Lisboa)

Chair: Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

11h00 Round Table 1(a): Cognition, Semiotics and Computational Modeling Round table
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- Avanços Recentes na Fundamentação de Sentenças Simbólicas por meio de Simulação Mental - Ricardo Gudwin (UNICAMP)

- Emergent semiosis: classical ballet as a self-organized and temporally distributed semiotic process - João Queiroz (IA/UFJF)

- Reading Machines: aplicações da computação na análise de textos em prosa literária - Angelo Loula (UEFS)

Chair: Vinícius Romanini (ECA/USP)

11h00 Round Table 1(b): Critical Analysis of Digital Information Technologies Round table
Place: ROOM (b)

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11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- Cognição, notícias falsificadas e ação: uma análise a partir da abordagem informacional de Fred Dretske - Marcos Antônio Alves (UNESP)

- Ecossistema e Interação: Uma análise crítica das tecnologias educacionais - Sérgio Nunes (UFPA)

- Informação e conhecimento na era das fake news: uma breve reflexão filosófica - Lilian Godoy (UFVJM)

Chair: Wagner Lannes (UFVJM)

13h00 Lunch Pause and Poster Session Lunch
Place: (UFVJM)

1:00 - 2:00 PM

13h00 Poster Session 1 Posters Dinâmicos

Click here to the Room Access Code

1:00 - 2:00 PM

Plataformas digitais no Ensino Remoto Emergencial para Histologia e Embriologia - Presenter: Bruno Alves dos Santos

Emoção, vigilância e controle dos corpos: uma breve análise das medidas socioeducativas - Presenter: Alex Pereira de Sousa

Ensino remoto emergencial: definição, contextualização e relato de uma professora de laboratório de informática educacional - Presenter: Ana Paula Cunha dos Santos

Metacognition as a multimodal semiotic phenomenon - Presenter: Henrique D. Perissinotto


Lilian Godoy (UFVJM)

14h00 Round Table 2(a): Computational intelligence, Meta-optimization Methods and Informational Relations Round table
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

2:00 - 4:00 PM

- Métodos de ajuste de parâmetros: otimizando os otimizadores - Áthila Rocha Trindade (UFVJM),

- Relações informacionais, causais e correlacionais - Edna Alves de Souza (UNESP/Marília)

- Aplicações industriais de modelos híbridos baseados em física e aprendizado de máquina - Felipe A. C. Viana (University of Central Florida)

Chair: Renata Silva Souza (UNESP/Marília)

14h00 Round Table 2(b): Memetics, Working Memory and Social Beliefs Round table
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

2:00 - 4:00 PM

- A Memética como instrumento para uma visão fisicalista ampla de mundo - Gustavo Leal de Toledo (UFSJ)

- How many E’s do we need? Endorsing a Philosophy of Cognitive Science that Promotes Practical Changes - Samuel Bellini (UEMG)

- Who believes in fake news? - Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (UFSJ)

Chair: Ricardo Gudwin (UNICAMP)

16h00 Coffee Break Coffee break
Place: (UFVJM)

4:00 - 4:30 PM

16h30 Communication Sessions 1(a) Oral presentation
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

4:30 - 6:30 PM

Simulator of Semiotic Processes (SIMPS) Based on Multiagent: the adaptation factor of emerging languages in semiotic agents - Presenter: Davidson Bruno da Silva

Development of Enactive Computational Models for Autopoietic Systems - Presenter: Lucas Samuel Vieira

The problem of formal and informal proof in the context of mathematical practice - Presenter: Irina Starikova

The experience of meaning: different approaches in the phenomenology of language - Presenter: Sâmara Araújo Costa

Metamodel for language change simulation: an enative approach to multiagent system - Presenter: Luciana de Freitas


Ítala Maria Loffredo d’Ottaviano (UNICAMP)

Felipe S. Abrahão (LNCC)

16h30 Communication Sessions 1(b) Oral presentation
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

4:30 - 6:30 PM

Robótica escolar: incentivo para alunos da rede estadual de ensino para ingressarem em cursos de ciências exatas e engenharias - Presenter: Aurea Messias de Jesus

Modelagem 3D do desenvolvimento embriológico para ser utilizado na disciplina DCB057, na UFVJM - Presenter: Cristiane Tolentino Machado

Ensino a Distância: fundamentos e principais características - Presenter: Marco Thulio Vieira Lopes

Contribuições das mídias digitais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem diante dos novos paradigmas na educação brasileira - Presenter: Ana Paula Santos da silva


Luís Gustavo Guadalupe da Silveira (IFTM)

Mariana Vitti Rodrigues (UNESP)

16h30 Communication Sessions 1(c) Oral presentation

Click here to the Room Access Code

4:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Conceitos fundamentais do Enativismo: O conceito de mente estendida e de linguagem como conduta social - Flávia Enir Godinho Santos

Thomas Nagel e a Lacuna Explicativa - Presenter: Heder da Silva Almeida

O desenvolvimento de hábitos: uma reflexão a partir da perspectiva da informação semiótica - Presenter: Valdirene Pascoal

Relações entre logos e pathos na concepção de emoção conforme Aristóteles - Presenter: Marcos Vinícius Woelke de Oliveira

Teoria do Duplo Aspecto: ação e agência em Thomas Nagel - Presenter: Gustavo Negreiro de Almeida


Thiago Gomes de Castro (UFRGS)

Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves (UFSJ)

08h30 - Alexander Gerner, William Barbosa Gomes Conference Session: 1) Semiotic phenomenology and the exploration of differences between nature and culture / 2) Hacking into Deep “learning” and “Big” Bildung Conferência

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8:30 - 10:30 AM

Conference Session:

1) Semiotic phenomenology and the exploration of differences between nature and culture in proposing new perspectives in human information and communication – William Gomes (UFRGS)
2) Hacking into Deep "learning" without Bildung: Remarks on epistemological - sonic noise and social resonance concerning Big Data/Machine learning - Alexander Gerner (Universidade de Lisboa - Portugal)

Chair: Marcos Silva (UFPE)

10h30 Coffee Break Coffee break
Place: (UFVJM)

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11h00 - Guiou Kobayashi, Mario Villalobos Conference Session: 1) Ubiquity and Internet of Things (IoT) / 2) Cognitive Systems as Enactive Computing Systems Conferência

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11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Conference Session:

1) A Ubiquidade e a Internet das Coisas (IoT) – Guiou Kobayashi (UFABC),
2) Cognitive systems as enactive computing systems - Mario Villalobos Kirmayr (Universidade de Tarapaca, Chile)

Chair: Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

11h00 Round Table 3(a): Social Networks and Fake News; Feminism; AI and fiction Round table
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- Leitura de mundo atualizada: redes sociais, fake news e geopolítica - Carlos Henrique Silva de Castro (UFVJM)

- The goddesses and cyborgs in Blade Runner: Cybernetic organisms in Donna Haraway’s visions of women - Juliele Sievers (UFAL)

- Pygmalion knows Python and Pinocchio has a chip: Philosophical thoughts on AI and fiction - Luís Gustavo Guadalupe da Silveira (IFTM)

Chair: Elayne de Moura Braga (UFVJM)

11h00 Round Table 3(b): Big Data, Models, Digital Environments and the Role of the Body Round table
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- On Systemic Digital Divide: Epistemological and Political Implications - João Antônio de Moraes (FAJOPA; FUNEPE)

- Big Data, Modelos e Diagramas: quais critérios estão envolvidos na análise de relações causais? - Mariana Vitti (UNESP/Marília)

- Ambientes digitais e a representação de si: uma investigação filosófico-interdiciplinar do papel do corpo - Renata Silva Souza (UNESP/Marília)

Chair: Mariana C. Broens (UNESP/Marília)

13h00 Lunch Pause and Poster Session Lunch
Place: (UFVJM)

1:00 - 2:00 PM

13h00 Poster Session 2 Posters Dinâmicos

Click here to the Room Access Code

1:00 - 2:00 PM

O tácito das relações interpessoais de segunda pessoa no contexto dos Big Data: reajustes e consequências - Presenter: Felipe Eleutério

Influências positivas e negativas das tecnologias de informação na ação humana - Presenter: Letícia Vitorino da Silva

Autonomia, autocontrole e poder na era informacional - Presenter: Jorge Luiz Domiciano

A lógica algorítmica e suas implicações para a esfera pública - Presenter: Marcelo Salton Schleder


Elayne de Moura Braga (UFVJM)

14h00 - Jean Claude Régnier, Salima Hassas Conference Session: 1) Statistics Software and Human-Computer Interactions in the Teaching-learning Processes of Statistics in a University Context / 2) Artificial Cognition: Artificial Intelligence through Autonomous Mental Development Conferência

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2:00 - 4:00 PM

Conference Session:

1) Softwares de estatística e Interações Humano-computador nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem da estatística em um contexto universitário - Jean-Claude Régnier (Universités de Lyon)
2) Artificial Cognition: Artificial Intelligence through Autonomous Mental Development - Salima Hassas (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, França)


Elayne de Moura Braga (UFVJM)

Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

16h00 Coffee Break Coffee break
Place: (UFVJM)

4:00 - 4:30 PM

Coffee Break

16h30 Round Table 4(a): Semiotic Analysis of conduct in the age of Big Data Round table
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

4:30 - 6:30 PM

- Fundamentos epistemológicos da edusemiótica – Vinícius Romanini (ECA/USP)

- Fake News, Big Data e privacidade na internet. Estaríamos nos reinventando como humanos?- André Covre (UFVJM)

- Disinformation in the times of Big Data: ethical implications of incorporated social habits - Mariana C. Broens (UNESP/Marília)

Chair: Samuel Bellini (UEMG)

16h30 Round Table 4(b): Cognition, Enaction and Computional Models Round table
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

4:30 - 6:30 PM

- Compositional approach to a constitutive view of enactive cognition - João Kogler (Poli/USP)

- Toward an algorithmic-informational framework for networked systems - Felipe S. Abrahão (LNCC)

- Modeling enactive and autopoietic systems using Turing Machine: an enactivist point of view - Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

Chair: Gustavo Gauer (UFRGS)

08h30 Round Table 5(a): Conceptualization of Information and Properties, Logic & Enaction Round table
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

8:30 - 10:30 AM

- Peirce’s concept of information applied to physical domain - Alexandre Augusto Ferraz (CLE/UNICAMP)

- Que tipos de propriedades existem? - Martin Adam Motloch (UFPI)

- On the nature of logic: an enactivist point of view - Marcos Silva (UFPE)

Chair: Ricardo Gudwin (UNICAMP)

08h30 Round Table 5(b): Modeling, Knowledge Construction & Educational Technologies Round table
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

8:30 - 10:30 AM

- Produção do conhecimento: “navegando em contextos de informações híbridas” - Rosária Sperotto (UFPEL)

- Recursos mediacionais no ensino-aprendizagem: TDIC e games - Elayne de Moura Braga (UFVJM)

- Modelos Científicos Mediando a Comunicação entre Coletivos de Pensamento - Wagner Lannes (UFVJM)

Chair: Carlos Henrique Silva de Castro (UFVJM)

10h30 Coffee Break Coffee break
Place: (UFVJM)

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11h00 Round Table 6(b): Action and Language: reasons, causes and correlations Round table
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- Complete Explanations of Actions - André Leclerc (UNB)

- The intertwining between action and language in linguistic enactivism - Nara M. Figueiredo (Unicamp/CNPq)

- Modelagem cidadã: um repertório para a saúde mental das poplulações - Mônica Aiub (PUC/SP)

Chair: Lilian Godoy (UFVJM)

11h00 Round Table 6(a): Visual Attention and Decision-Making: phenomenological-experimental and ecological approaches Round table
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- Visual Attention and Eye Movement: Parameter Modeling on a Dynamic Interface - Thiago Gomes de Castro (UFRGS)

- Ecological Intuition as a Third Operational System for Economic Decision-Making in Democracy - Alfredo Pereira Jr. (UNESP)

- Experiencing uncertainties - Gustavo Gauer (UFRGS)

Chair: Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

13h00 Lunch Pause and Poster Session Lunch
Place: (UFVJM)

1:00 - 2:00 PM

13h00 Poster Session 3 Posters Dinâmicos

Click here to the Room Access Code

1:00 - 2:00 PM

Desenvolvimento de um framework para formalização de sistemas multiagente - Presenter: Tiago Campos Ferreira

Uma análise de séries temporais para a previsão da segunda onda dos casos de covid-19 para cidades de pequeno-médio porte - Presenter: Carlos Daniel Souza de Oliveira

As Limitações dos Modelos Computacionais de Análise Preditiva do Comportamento Humano - Presenter: Danúbio Viana Nogueira

Análise da segunda onda dos casos de covid-19 para cidades de pequeno porte - Presenter: Marcos Júnio Alves dos Santos


Wagner Lannes (UFVJM)

14h00 Communication Sessions 2(a) Oral presentation
Place: ROOM (a)

Click here to the Room Access Code

2:00 - 4:00 PM

Big Data and Self-organized Complex Systems - Presenter: Ricardo Peraça Cavassane

A influência das notícias falsificadas no direcionamento da ação - Presenter: Bianca Alves da Silva Amorim

Uma leitura pragmaticista e comunicacional sobre a exploração de dados e mediações algorítmicas – o caso Cambridge Analytica - Presenter: Marcelo Hamdan Alvim

Blockchain, Pragmatismo e a construção social da verdade no jornalismo - Presenter: Márcia Pinheiro Ohlson

Experiência Colateral no contexto digital: considerações à luz da Semiótica e do Pragmaticismo - Presenter: Gabriel Engel Ducatti


André Covre (UFVJM)

Martin Adam Motloch (UFPI)

14h00 Communication Sessions 2(b) Oral presentation
Place: ROOM (b)

Click here to the Room Access Code

2:00 - 4:00 PM

O protagonismo das emoções e a influência das Plataformas de Redes Sociais no processo de tomada de decisão - o caso do Kit Gay e Escola Sem Partido - Presenter: Renata Vicentini Mielli

A universidade na escola - realizando intervivências entre Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais - Campus Ituiutaba e escolas do ensino médio da rede estadual de Minas Gerais da cidade de Ituiutaba - Presenter: Aurea Messias de Jesus

Contribuições das mídias digitais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem diante dos novos paradigmas na educação brasileira - Presenter: Ana Paula Santos da Silva

Do livro de Maquiavel ao banco de dados de Manovich: a evolução das formas de hegemonia a partir dos suportes para a informação - Presenter: Renata Lipia Lima

Das emoções de Aristóteles à cólera e ao medo na Fake News - Presenter: André Martin de Oliveira Franco


Elayne de Moura Braga (UFVJM)

Juliele Sievers (UFAL)

14h00 Communication Sessions 2(c) Oral presentation

Click here to the Room Access Code

2:00 - 4:00 PM

Don’t Overthink It! A computational study on the rationality of following your gut - Presenter: Danilo Fraga Dantas

Defining and modeling consciousness with two level pattern recognition model for modular integration - Presenter: Gilberto de Paiva

Emoções, Cognitive bias e Controle Executivo - Presenter: Diogo Fernando Massmann

A influência das mídia nos transtornos alimentares e as contribuições da terapia cognitiva comportamental - Presenter: Maria Vanessa Santos da Silva

A relevância de Dretske para estudos semânticos, cognitivos e epistemológicos - Presenter: A relevância de Dretske para estudos semânticos, cognitivos e epistemológicos


Angelo Loula (UEFS)

Áthila Rocha Trindade (UFVJM)

16h00 Coffee Break Coffee break
Place: (UFVJM)

16:00 - 16:30 PM

16h30 - João de Fernandes Teixeira, Paul Bourgine Conference Session: 1) Big Data and Humanities / 2) Toward a Knowledge and Knowhow Accelerator one for all, all for one Conferência

Click here to the Room Access Code

4:30 - 6:30 PM

Conference Session:

1) Big Data and Humanities - João de Fernandes Teixeira (UFSCar)
2) Toward a Knowledge and Knowhow Accelerator one for all, all for one - Paul Bourgine (UNESCO)

Chair: Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (UNESP/Marília)

18h30 Society Panel and Best Works Awards Closure

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6:30 - 7:30

Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (UNESP/Marília)

Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (UFVJM)

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Leonardo Lana de Carvalho

Leonardo Lana de Carvalho is Assistant Professor at Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM). He has doctorate in (Cognitive) Psychology from Lumière Lyon II University & post doctorate from the University of Paris IV - Sorbonne.

Leonardo Lana de Carvalho é Professor Adjunto na Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). Possui doutorado em Psicologia (Cognitiva) pela Universidade de Lyon II & pós-doutorado pela Universidade de Paris IV - Sorbonne.