

Register now
From 15th to 18th August Every day from 09h00 to 17h00

About the Event

Brazil has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. This type of growth invariably leading to urbanisation, which refers to the development of urban areas and the migration of people from rural areas into city centres (brazil.org, 2018). This rapid urbanisation has proliferated challenges like access to fundamental human rights such as shelter, food and security. Urban development programmes for social housing are inapt and fail to deliver socio-economic benefits. Such complex challenges set back economic development and directly affect the most vulnerable in society, such as children and women. Unplanned development also challenges human rights directly.

The human right to adequate housing is recognised in international human rights law as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, adopted in 1948) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR, adopted in 1966). However, in Brazil, there is a poor standard of living, unemployment, unstable economy, inflation, women’s and minority’s underrepresentation, and children vulnerability to disease in many areas. There is a need to address these issues in a strategic way which emphasises sustainable development.

The BIM2S workshop will highlight the issues and challenges and will develop a roadmap to adopt BIM and system modelling for urban planning in the Brazilian context. Researchers from both countries, especially from Brazil, will hugely benefit from the workshop by learning about the advance application of BIM and system modelling (SM). BIM2S also fits in Brazil’s 2030 agenda of smart, sustainable development (UNESCO, 2015). BIM2S (BIM to Sustainable development) workshop will strive to develop a research roadmap simulate a BIM-integrated social urban development programme. This diverse gathering will highlight urbanisation challenges of Brazil, how they are affecting human rights, and how technologies such as BIM and simulation modelling (SM) could be applied to develop sustainable development roadmap.

The target audience for the workshop includes early career researchers (ECRs) from various disciplines, including the built environment, human rights, BIM, simulation modelling, urban planning, smart cities, architecture and policy development. This will provide a unique opportunity to propose multi-disciplinary approaches for sustainable urban development challenges. The participants from the UK will come from leading universities, research centres, industry and policymaking institutions to foster a multi-sectoral approach helping in group sessions and leading towards a comprehensive future policy making.


  • Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Scott William Hoefle - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dra. Ana Maria de Souza Mello Bicalho - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Leonardo dos Santos Pereira - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Raphael David dos Santos Filho - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Guilherme Hissa Vilas Boas - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Hugo Alves Soares Loureiro - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qasim Rana - UCoEM/UK
  • Prof. Dr. Colin Booth - UoWE/UK
  • Prof. Dr. Audu Ezekiel Chinyio - UoW/UK
  • Prof. Dr. Jose Fernando Rodrigues Bezerra - UEMA
  • Prof. Dr. Silas Nogueira de Melo - UEMA
  • Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Araujo dos Santos - UEMA
  • Prof. Dr. José Mauro Palhares - UNIFAP
  • Profa. Dra. Maria do Carmo Oliveira - UFRJ
  • Prof. Dr. Jose Sampaio de Mattos Junior - UEMA


09h00 City tour Gastronomic History Tour
Place: Historic center

Venue: Palácio La Ravardiere, Address: Estrela 82 street, Centro.

Places: - Palácio La Ravardiere; - Museu da Gastronomia; - Rua Portugal; - Beco Catarina Mina; - Feira da Praia Grande; - Rua do Giz

13h30 Registration Accreditation
Place: CECEN

Maranhão State University, Brazil

14h00 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Araujo dos Santos - UEMA, Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK Opening Opening
Place: CECEN Auditorium, State University of Maranhão

Message from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) Principal and Maranhão Foundation for the Protection of Research and Scientific and Technological Development (FAPEMA) Director; Prof Antonio Guerra and Prof. Mike Fullen
VIII Seminário do PPGEO Prof. Dr. and Prof. Dr. Luis Carlos Araújo dos Santos; Opening Program for Brazil and UK

15h00 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Jose Fernando Rodrigues Bezerra - UEMA, Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK, Prof. Dr. Silas Nogueira de Melo - UEMA Message from the Brazil Principal Lecture International Session
Place: Active Methodologies Room, CECEN, State University of Maranhão

Message from the Brazil Principal Investigator (PI) Prof Antonio Guerra
Prof. Silas Nogueira, Prof. José Fernando Rodrigues Bezerra.
Message from the UK Principal Investigator (PI) Dr Mike Fullen

16h00 - Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK Environmental and socio-economic challenges posed by urbanization in a warming world. Lecture International Session
Place: Active Methodologies Room, CECEN, State University of Maranhão

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

16h40 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Colin Booth - UoWE/UK Close of day 2 Lecture International Session
Place: Active Methodologies Room, CECEN, State University of Maranhão

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

09h00 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Profa. Dra. Maria do Carmo Oliveira - UFRJ Session Speaker 1 Lecture International Session
Place: Active Methodologies Room, CECEN, State University of Maranhão

Teaching urban school kids how to learn about soils

09h25 - Prof. Dr. Silas Nogueira de Melo - UEMA Session Speaker 2 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Land use and environmental crime: the edge effect

09h50 - Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qasim Rana - UCoEM/UK Session Speaker 3 Award
Place: CECEN

Role of Simulation Modelling in Addressing Rapid Urbanization and its Related Challenges

10h15 - Prof. Dr. Guilherme Hissa Vilas Boas - UFRJ Session Speaker 4 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

The urban perspective of nature: a case study of the Macaé de Cima: Environmental Protection Area (Brazil)

10h40 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. José Mauro Palhares - UNIFAP Session Speak 5 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Urban geotourism in Oiapoque and Macapá Municipalities - Amapá State

11h05 - Prof. Dr. Colin Booth - UoWE/UK Session Speaker 6 Award
Place: CECEN

Property Flood Protection: Options and Opportunities

11h30 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK Close of morning (day 2) Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

14h00 - Prof. Dra. Ana Maria de Souza Mello Bicalho - UFRJ Session Speaker 7 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Challenges to rural non-built up land use in the city of Rio de Janeiro

14h25 - Prof. Dr. Scott William Hoefle - UFRJ Session Speaker 8 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Resisting environmental injustice in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro

14h50 - Prof. Dr. Leonardo dos Santos Pereira - UFRJ Session Speaker 9 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Urban Landscape and Physical Geography Education

15h15 - Prof. Dr. Audu Ezekiel Chinyio - UoW/UK Session Speaker 10 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

The intricacy of managing urban stakeholders’ diverse demands

15h40 - Prof. Dr. Raphael David dos Santos Filho - UFRJ Session Speaker 11 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Art and science: the resilience of the cultural landscape and heritage in a historical site in Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro)

16h05 - Prof. Dr. Hugo Alves Soares Loureiro - UFRJ Session Speaker 12 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Gully erosion on peri-urban paved roads in Brazil

16h30 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK Close of day 3 Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

08h00 Research projects presentations by students (Master’s Degree in Geography) Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

13h30 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Jose Fernando Rodrigues Bezerra - UEMA, Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Araujo dos Santos - UEMA, Prof. Dr. Silas Nogueira de Melo - UEMA Fieldwork in São Luís City Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

09h00 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Jose Fernando Rodrigues Bezerra - UEMA, Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Araujo dos Santos - UEMA, Prof. Dr. Silas Nogueira de Melo - UEMA Visiting Geography Laboratories, Central Library, Restaurant at State University of Maranhão Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

14h00 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK Brazil based round table discussion on BIM2S Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Future directions and future proposals led

15h00 Presentation of UK & Brazil thoughts / findings to the wider group Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

16h00 - Prof. Dr. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra - UFRJ, Prof. Dr. Michael Augustine Fullen - UoW/UK Final Remarks on the workshop and future possibilities Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

16h30 Distribution of Certificates to the Participants Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

16h45 Official End of the Workshop Lecture International Session
Place: CECEN

Workshop Plan for BIM2S workshop – São Luís City 15-18TH August 2022

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Previous editions


Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, 65055-970, Cidade Universitária Paulo VI , Jardim São Cristóvão, São Luís, Maranhão
See on map

Organizing committee



This project is a research linkage workshop funded under the British Council of the United Kingdom and Maranhão Foundation for the Protection of Research and Scientific and Technological Development (FAPEMA).