Teacher Training Day Online

Teacher Training Day Online

Creating a New Normal in Learning Relate Reaffirm Reimagine

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Saturday, 8 de August de 2020 Das 09:00 às 18:30

Sobre o Evento

This is a one day professional development event organized by the State Secretariat of Piauí in Teresi na. The event is scheduled for August 8 and will include a keynote, panel, and workshop from an English Language Specialist. The event is being planned and implemented by the Secretariat and is dedicated to exploring methods and strategies with regards to live and recorded online lessons and activities during this world pandemic.

This project provides critical resources to support teachers in this region in a very challenging time for public education. Many teachers have been required to record lessons and also give live interactive classes on conferencing and platform programs without proper preparation, time for learning, or adequate support. This has been especially challenging for the encouragement of communicative skills in groups and managing multi lev el classrooms with new tools.

Teaching is one of the professions that is never able to stand still for long as it's an constant evolving profession, where the individual must maintain
professional development in conjunction with the speed in which new ski lls and knowledge are founded. Pandemics or other disruptions to education may reoccur and/or online and conference teaching methods may swing towards becoming the preferred delivery of lessons. For these reasons, the secretariat is committed to providing learning opportunities for teachers to experiment with and employ new teaching experiment with and employ new teaching strategies for the immediate and unforeseen strategies for the immediate and unforeseen future.future.


Our goal for this O-TTD is to enable participants to explore the tools and resources to promote and support to live and recorded online lessons and activities in times of crisis, as well as having a better understanding of strategies for teaching online and emergency remote teaching

As EFL teachers, many of the challenges we face are similar during this pandemic, despite whether we live in Brazil or the United States.

We look forward to sharing the best practical experiences and lessons learned from our Language Specialist and workshop facilitator that will share some practical tools and ideas about how to make online classes more effective for language learning as well as receiving an inspiring message from the keynote speaker which I am sure, will uplift our spirit in these unusual times.

It is high time that such an event takes place, to highlight the remarkable contribution that our fellows educators make in different educational contexts, revealing the diversity, of which these teaching strategies may be utilized.

Our hope is that as you leave this O-TTD, you will have a renewed energy and spirit to teach.

The On the other hand, the O-TTD offers an excellent opportunity for you to meet the RELO Brazil Director Jennifer Uhler, the Deputy Director Helmara de Moraes and The English Language Specialist Barbara L. Noel.

We hope you have a very inspirational experience during the On-line Teacher Training Day!

O-TTD Organizer Team



10:00 a.m – 10:30 a.m - Opening Ceremony

Promotion Video RELO / CEFAF

Host Wecome Remarks

Prof Raimundo Sousa (EFL Teacher Trainer –CEFAF/UESPI)

Alexandra Mury (EFL Teacher – CCL)

Alexandre Oliveira ( EFL Teacher Trainer –CEFAF/UESPI)

Christopher Hall (EFL Teacher Trainer –CEFAF/UESPI)

A Special Welcome From The CEFAF Team

Prof. Lucile Moura ( General Director CEFAF/UESPI)

Prof. Dr. Damião ( Pedagogical Coordinator CEFAF/UESPI)

Prof. Dr. Vinicius (Planning Coordinator CEFAF/UESPI_

Wecome Address from The RELO Office

Jennifer Uhler (Diretor Regional English Language Office - RELO Brazil)

Final remarks and detailed information of the Conference program

10:30 a.m – 11:20 a.m -Panel Discussion

English language after the pandemic: How is the pandemic affecting Teaching and Learning?

Prof. Dr. Barbara L. Noel (English Language Specialist)

Prof. Dra. Vania Barbosa (Federal University of Piauí - UFPI)

Prof. Dr. Eldelita Franco (State University of Piauí – UESPI)

Alexandre Oliveira (EFL Teacher Trainer –CCL – Virtual Moderator )

11:20 a.m – 11:30 a.m Break for a snack

11:30 am. – 12:30 a.m Keynote Address

Creating a new normal in learning: Relate, reaffirm, reimagine

Speaker Barbara L. Noel (English Language Specialist)

Host Prof. Christopher Hall

12:30 a.m – 2:00 p.m - Break for lunch

2:00 p.m – 6:30 p.m Workshops

14:00 as 15:00

  1. Constructing your new online toolkit what's your personal tipping point?

    Barbara L. Noel - English Language Specialist - USA

  2. Ten awesome open and free teaching tools from RELO Brazil

Jennifer Uhler and Helmara de Moraes - RELO Brazil

15:10 às 16:10

(3) Creating digital books with students

Flávio Martins da Silva - Mákinas de Ideias

(04) Integrating web tools to promote speaking in remote classes

Renato Pacheco - Interaction Language School

16:20 às 17:20

(05) Augmented reality in EFL Classroom

Luciano Barroso de Carvalho - State Secretariat of Education – SEDUC/PI

Active learning what should I Know about it?

Alexandra Mury, Alexandre Oliveira, Christopher Hall and Raimundo Sousa


17:30 às 18:30

(7) Interactive classes during pandemic time

Mário Eduardo - State University of Piaui – UESPI

(08) How to create tests using Google Forms

Cesar Bances - State Secretariat of Education – SEDUC/PI

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Raimundo Nonato Sousa