Faça sua inscrição
De 3 a 6 de October Todos os dias das 08h30 às 17h00

Sobre o Evento

The mission of this event is to disseminate to the Brazilian scientific/academic community experiences and outcomes in synthesis science and data science of the BELMONT project “Building new tools for data sharing and reuse through a transnational investigation of the socio-economic impacts of protected areas” (PARSEC) - a Belmont Forum collaborative research action related to e-infrastructures innovation. This project aims to conduct interdisciplinary, transnational synthesis science while testing novel approaches to the management and preservation of environmental and socio-economic data.

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EPUSP, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, tr 3, Nº 380Edifício Engenheiro Mário Covas Junior, 05508-010, Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, Nº 380 Edifício Engenheiro Mário Covas Junior, Butantã, São Paulo, São Paulo
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Danton Ferreira Vellenich

Universidade de São Paulo