Webinar: "From Writing Tutor, To Writing Center Administrator, To Teaching with Writing Center Tutors: Lessons Learned" with Dr. Christopher Dean

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Sexta, 26 de agosto de 2022 Das 14:00 às 15:00

Sobre o Evento

O Laboratório de Letramento Acadêmico (LLAC) FFLCH/USP tem o prazer de convidá-los para o próximo webinar, que integra a série de eventos promovidos em comemoração aos 10 anos do laboratório. O webinar "From Writing Tutor, To Writing Center Administrator, To Teaching with Writing Center Tutors: Lessons Learned" com o Dr. Christopher Dean acontecerá no dia 26 de agosto às 14h e será transmitido via Youtube.

*Esse evento será conduzido em inglês.

The Laboratory of Academic Literacy FFLCH/USP (LLAC, acronym in Portuguese) is pleased to inform you about the upcoming webinar titled "From Writing Tutor, To Writing Center Administrator, To Teaching with Writing Center Tutors: Lessons Learned", with Dr. Christopher Dean. As part of a series of events promoted in celebration of the 10th anniversary of LLAC, this webinar will be held on August 26th at 2pm (BRT) on Youtube.

Dr. Christopher Dean is a composition and rhetoric scholar with a long association with writing centers (going back 30 years). He's published and presented on writing assessment, contingent faculty issues, teaching first-year composition, and has been an academic editor for over 20 years. He currently teaches in the Writing Program at the University of California Santa Barbara.


Gabriele de Oliveira Neri da Silva