XVIII Jornada de Tecnologia da Informação da UNI7

XVIII Jornada de Tecnologia da Informação da UNI7

Faça sua inscrição
De 25 a 26 de maio Todos os dias das 08h00 às 22h00

Sobre o Evento

A Coordenação dos Cursos de Sistemas de Informação e Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas da UNI7 promove a XVIII Jornada de Tecnologia da Informação, parte integrante do Encontro de Iniciação Científica da UNI7.

Quando? 25 e 26 de maio, no turno da manhã, das 8h às 11h, e à noite, das 19h às 22h.

As oficinas são gratuitas e abertas ao público em geral.

Confira a programação abaixo.

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UNI7 - Coordenação de Sistemas de Informação e Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

PhD in Computer Science, Master in Computer Science, Specialist in Computer Science, graduated in Economy. Currently He is Professor at the Sete de Setembro University Center (www.uni7.edu.br/), where teaches, since 2009, disciplines in the areas of Information Technology (IT), Audit and Economy. He was CIO of the Justice Court of the State of Ceará (www.tjce.jus.br) in 2015/2016 biennium. He Worked for thirty-four years in the Northeast Bank of Brazil SA (www.bnb.gov.br), from 1976 to 2010, in the follow areas: Finance, Credit, Human Resources, Information Technology and Management. He was, for three years (from 2010 to 2013), Statutory Director of Camed Group (www.camed.com.br), where was Director of Promotion to the Health Care and I.T. areas. He worked for two years, as a member of the Administration Board of "National Union of Institutions of Self-Management in Health - UNIDAS" (www.unidas.org.br). He participated actively in the following standing committees of the BNB: Ethics Commission and Internal Commission for Accident Prevention - CIPA. He worked as a representative member of the BNB in the Implementation Committee of Free Software in Brazil 's Federal Public Institutions , linked to the Ministry of Planning.