The 20th Brazilian Finance Meeting is an event organized by SBFin (Brazilian Finance Society), whose main objective is to promote research in Finance in Brazil. In addition, SBFin aims to improve the technical qualification of professionals working in the financial markets.
The Brazilian Finance Meeting will be held virtually this year and will take place on the 16th and 17th of July. Registration is free to participants but we welcome donations that we will revert to charities.
Detailed schedule will be available on our website shortly.
FORMAT: Panel sessions will include keynote addresses and discussions in which participants from academia, regulatory agencies, and financial institutions share their research and insights. Ordinary sessions will include presentation of academic papers.
Investors and Market Reaction to Covid-19: Harrison Hong (Columbia University), Ralph Koijen (Chicago Booth) and Stefano Giglio (Yale)
Liquidity and Firms after Covid-19: Heitor Almeida (Illinois), Raghuram Rajan (Chicago Booth), Sascha Steffen (Frankfurt) and João Manuel Pinho de Mello (Central Bank of Brazil)
Economics after Covid-19: José Scheinkman (Columbia University), Edward Glaeser (Harvard University), Adam Sheridan (Copenhagen) and Luigi Zingales (Chicago Booth)
Brazil after Covid-19 (in Portuguese): Marcos Lisboa (Insper), Arminio Fraga (Gávea Investimentos), Marco Bonomo (Insper) and André Portela (EESP-FGV).