Apresentador(a): Pedro Angelo Vaz de Carvalho

Título do Trabalho: Continuous Verification during the Operational Life of Federated Satellite Systems

Resumo: A Federated Satellite System is a dynamic system of systems where the number and operation of constituent satellites and ground stations change over time. Continuous verification of the concept of operation of the constellation during the operational lifecycle is necessary for understanding its current capabilities and better allocating the available resources. This paper introduces COSCAT (ConOps Satellite Constellation Analysis Tool), a simulator that supports stakeholders in analyzing the behavior of constituent satellites in an integrated and friendly way. Based on the properties of each element constituting the constellation in a given period, the simulator calculates the operation scenario of the entire system, expressing the impact of changes on the revisit statistics, ground station availability, and individual satellite resources. An example constellation with operation scenarios after modifications on the constituent systems demonstrates the use of the tool and analysis of the results.


