Purines 2021: X Meeting of the Brazilian Purine Club

19 of June of 2021, 09h00 until 22 of June of 2021, 12h30
Online. Transmissão via Doity Play


It is a pleasure to announce that registration for the Purines 2021: X Meeting of the Brazilian Purine Club is open! In 2021, the meeting will be online due to the pandemic and will take place from June 19-22.

The Congress shall gather researchers interested in purinergic signaling from different areas such as biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, parasitology, biophysics, cellular and molecular biology, among other disciplines.

The program consists of plenary lectures, several symposia and poster presentation sessions. The online program will feature virtual meeting rooms for scientific interaction between the invited speakers with researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as an interaction session for the evaluation of the submitted abstracts presented as panels. The preliminary online program is now available. Even in a virtual environment, this congress shall strengthen ties between laboratories working on purinergic signaling in Brazil and abroad, such as it had been the focus of previous meetings.

For more information and updates, please visit the official website: purines2021.clubedepurinas.com.br

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Prof. Dr. Yong Tang

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Prof. Dr. Rafael Zanin

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Prof. Dr. Elizandra Braganhol

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Prof. Dr. Fabrício Figueiró

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Dr. Funda Orhan

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Dr. Young-Hwan Jung

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Prof. Dr. Andréia Machado Cardoso

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Prof. Dr. Aline Mânica

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Prof. Dr. Daniela Zanini

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Prof. Dr. Robson Coutinho Silva

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Prof. Dr. Maria Regina D'Império Lima

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Prof. Dr. Claudia Lucia Martins Silva

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Prof. Dr. Rodrigo A. Cunha

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Prof. Dr. Adriano Martimbianco de Assis

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Prof. Dr. Rosane Souza da Silva

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Prof. Dr. Carla Denise Bonan

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Prof. Dr. Fernanda Bueno Morrone

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Prof. Dr. Carla Ines Tasca

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Dr. Filipa F. Ribeiro

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Prof. Dr. Ana M Sebastião

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Dr. Jussemara Souza da Silva

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Prof. Dr. Regina Celia Cussa Kubrusly

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Prof. Dr. Paula Campello-Costa

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Prof. Dr. Denis Broock Rosemberg

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Prof. Dr. Lisiane Oliveira Porciuncula

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Prof. Dr. Eleonora Kurtenbach

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Prof. Dr. Lucianne Fragel Madeira

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Prof. Dr. Angela T.S. Wyse

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Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Chitolina

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Carolina Adriane Bento

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Isadora Cunha Ribeiro

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Juliete Nathali Scholl

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Melissa Talita Wiprich

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Prof. Dr. Mariusz Z. Ratajczak

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Prof. Dr. Gutierres, JM

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Dr. Gemma Navarro

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Dr. Tomohiro Yamashita

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Dr. Ya-Fei Zhao

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Prof. Dr. Francesco di Virgilio

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Prof. Dr. Alexei Verkhratsky

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Prof. Dr. Hening Ulrich

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Prof. Dr. Roberto Farina de Almeida

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Prof. Dr. Claudiana Lameu

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Prof. Dr. Ana Lucia Ventura

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Prof. Dr. Ana Battastini

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Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues


Opening Ceremony Opening

Opening Conference Conferência · Prof. Dr. Ana Battastini, Prof. Dr. Hening Ulrich, Prof. Dr. Yong Tang

Symposium 1 Symposium

'Macrophages plasticity and purinergic system' at the symposium 'The immunomodulatory properties of purines' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Rafael Zanin

'Purines as key modulators of glioblastoma microenvironment' at the symposium 'The immunomodulatory properties of purines' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Elizandra Braganhol

'The adenosinergic axis as a prognostic or immunomodulatory factor in cancer progression' at the symposium 'The immunomodulatory properties of purines' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Fabrício Figueiró

Symposium 2 Symposium · Prof. Dr. Hening Ulrich

'GRK3 deficiency elicits brain immune activation and psychosis' at the symposium 'Young Investigator' Symposium · Dr. Funda Orhan

'Regulation of hippocampal postnatal and adult neurogenesis by adenosine A 2A receptor: interaction with brain-derived neurotrophic factor' at the symposium 'Young Investigator' Symposium · Dr. Filipa F. Ribeiro

'Adenosine A2A receptors as a possible therapeutic target for Alzheimer disease' at the symposium 'Young Investigator' Symposium · Dr. Gemma Navarro

'Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain by the Inhibition of Microglial P2X7 Receptors by Approved Drug' at the symposium 'Young Investigator' Symposium · Dr. Tomohiro Yamashita

'Structure activity relationships of heterocyclic P2Y14 receptor antagonists: Removal of the zwitterionic character with piperidine bioisosteres' at the symposium 'Young Investigator' Symposium · Dr. Young-Hwan Jung

'P2X7 receptor-mediated astrocyte-neuron interaction in the hippocampal CA1 area may steer depression-like behavioral reactions in mice and rats' at the symposium 'Young Investigator' Symposium · Dr. Ya-Fei Zhao

Conference 2 Conferência · Prof. Dr. Ana Battastini, Prof. Dr. Francesco di Virgilio, Prof. Dr. Robson Coutinho Silva

Symposium 3 Symposium

'The anti-inflammatory effect of resistance training in hypertensive women: the role of purinergic signaling' at the symposium 'The role of ATP and inflammation on chronic diseases development' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Andréia Machado Cardoso

'ATP and its modulatory effect on the purinergic system and inflammation in patients with melanoma' at the symposium 'The role of ATP and inflammation on chronic diseases development' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Aline Mânica

'Involvement of purinergic system components on the physiopathology of lung cancer' at the symposium 'The role of ATP and inflammation on chronic diseases development' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Daniela Zanini

Symposium 4 Symposium

'Purinergic signaling in regulating immune responses in inflammatory and parasitic diseases' at the symposium 'Purinergic signaling in the immune response against intra and extracellular pathogens' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Robson Coutinho Silva

'P2X7 signaling drives CD4+ T cell fate through mitochondrial –mediated pathway' at the symposium 'Purinergic signaling in the immune response against intra and extracellular pathogens' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Maria Regina D'Império Lima

'Alterations of macrophage P2X7 and A2 receptors signaling play a potential role in impaired phagocytosis and host defense during schistosomiasis' at the symposium 'Purinergic signaling in the immune response against intra and extracellular pathogens' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Claudia Lucia Martins Silva

Assembly (in portuguese) Organizing committee

Conference 3 Conferência · Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Chitolina, Prof. Dr. Rodrigo A. Cunha

Symposium 5 Symposium

'Modulation of nucleotide and nucleoside catabolism in the neurotoxicity induced by metals' at the symposium 'Zebrafish model in the Purinergic System Studies' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Carla Denise Bonan

'Involvement of P2X7 receptor in the toxicity and inflammation in zebrafish' at the symposium 'Zebrafish model in the Purinergic System Studies' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Fernanda Bueno Morrone

'Zebrafish as a model to study adenosinergic modulation during brain development' at the symposium 'Zebrafish model in the Purinergic System Studies' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Rosane Souza da Silva

Symposium 6 Symposium · Prof. Dr. Roberto Farina de Almeida

'Guanosine enhances glutamate uptake and oxidation, preventing oxidative stress in mouse hippocampal slices' at the symposium 'Guanine-based purines: exploring the modulatory roles of an orphan neuromodulator' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Adriano Martimbianco de Assis

'Adenosine A1 and A2a receptor interaction: contribution to Guanosine effects' at the symposium 'Guanine-based purines: exploring the modulatory roles of an orphan neuromodulator' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Carla Ines Tasca

'Purinergic nucleosides and its neurotrophic actions' at the symposium 'Guanine-based purines: exploring the modulatory roles of an orphan neuromodulator' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Ana M Sebastião

'Guanosine exerts mitochondrial neuroprotection in a rodent model of Alzheimer disease' at the symposium 'Guanine-based purines: exploring the modulatory roles of an orphan neuromodulator' Symposium · Dr. Jussemara Souza da Silva

Conference 4 Conferência · Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues, Prof. Dr. Ana Lucia Ventura, Prof. Dr. Regina Celia Cussa Kubrusly

Symposium 7 Symposium

'Neuroplasticity induced by caffeine consumption during development: Possible implication of glial cells' at the symposium 'Caffeine and neurodevelopment' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Paula Campello-Costa

'Behavioral effects of caffeine on anxiety-like phenotypes of zebrafish' at the symposium 'Caffeine and neurodevelopment' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Denis Broock Rosemberg

'Caffeine and sex diferences in ADHD model' at the symposium 'Caffeine and neurodevelopment' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Lisiane Oliveira Porciuncula

Poster Session Presentation Poster

Conference 5 Conferência · Prof. Dr. Alexei Verkhratsky, Prof. Dr. Claudiana Lameu, Prof. Dr. Hening Ulrich

Symposium 8 (in portuguese) Symposium

“Challenge of Scientific education in non-formal education spaces and Sábados da Ciência–A proposal to shorter the gap between scientist and society” at the symposium “The significance of the divulgation and popularization of science in contemporary days” Symposium · Prof. Dr. Eleonora Kurtenbach, Prof. Dr. Robson Coutinho Silva

'The traveling of science centers as a strategy to internalize scientific knowledge' at the symposium 'The significance of the divulgation and popularization of science in contemporary days' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Lucianne Fragel Madeira

'Connecting postgraduate programs with society: an experience between research laboratories and basic education' at the symposium 'The significance of the divulgation and popularization of science in contemporary days' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Angela T.S. Wyse

'Popularization of Neuroscience and Education: Transdisciplinary construction of modules in neuroscience as pedagogical resources' at the symposium 'The significance of the divulgation and popularization of science in contemporary days' Symposium · Prof. Dr. Gutierres, JM, Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Chitolina

Poster Session 2 Presentation Poster

Symposium 9 Symposium · Isadora Cunha Ribeiro, Prof. Dr. Rosane Souza da Silva

'The influence of different macrophages phenotypes, and of the P2X7 receptor, on the invasiveness and chemoresistance of neuroblastoma' at the symposium 'Brazilian Young Investigators' Symposium · Carolina Adriane Bento

'New inhibitors of recombinant TcNTPDase-1: evaluation of synthetic compounds and characterization of the type of inhibition' at the symposium 'Brazilian Young Investigators' Symposium

'The immunomodulatory and antitumoral properties of glioblastoma-derived extracellular vesicles' at the symposium 'Brazilian Young Investigators' Symposium · Juliete Nathali Scholl

'Role of adenosine signaling on Huntington’s disease phenotype induced by 3-nitropropionic acid in adult zebrafish' at the symposium 'Brazilian Young Investigators' Symposium · Melissa Talita Wiprich

Closing Conference Conferência · Prof. Dr. Claudiana Lameu, Prof. Dr. Hening Ulrich, Prof. Dr. Mariusz Z. Ratajczak

Closing Ceremony Closure


Non-defaulting members are totally exempt from fees for registrations made until May 02.

If you are in delay with your annuity, go to the Brazilian Purine Club website to regularize your situation: clubedepurinas.com.br/anuidade

And if you are not yet a member of the Brazilian Purine Club, click on the link below to join and share with others who may be interested: clubedepurinas.com.br/filiacao

Members with up-to-date annuity payment will automatically receive a link to their registration by email.

Event online

Date: 19/06/2021 - 22/06/2021 às 09:00


Clube Brasileiro de Purinas

The Brazilian Purine Club (BPC) was founded in 2009 with the objective of bringing together the scientific community interested in topics related to purinergic signaling. The organization of periodical congresses aims to promote the integration of researchers and students in a scientific field, which has been rapidly expanding in Brazil and worldwide. Based on that, nine scientific congresses were held so far. In addition, the society has given financial support for young researchers through the selection of proposals for interlaboratory works to promote cooperation between Brazilian research laboratories.

Learn more at purines2021.clubedepurinas.com.br/the-society

Prof. Dr. Yong Tang

Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yong Tang is servicing for China Purine Club as co-chair and has been working in Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the position of Professor and the chief of Sichuan Key Laboratory for Acupuncture & Chronobiology since 2009. Between Sep. 2009-Aug. 2010, he worked in Institute of Neuroscience of China and from February 2011-February 2012, he worked in Lab of Genetics and Physiology of National Institutes of Health. His research is focusing on Purinergic signalling and pain or acupuncture.

Prof. Dr. Rafael Zanin



Prof. Dr. Elizandra Braganhol



Prof. Dr. Fabrício Figueiró


Fabrício Figueiró Contact Information: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,  Address: Ramiro Barcelos 2600 - Zip Code: 90035-000, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Dr. Funda Orhan

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Dr. Young-Hwan Jung

National Institutes of Health

Dr. Jung received his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry from Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology in South Korea under the mentorship of Prof. Yong-Chul Kim in 2017. During his graduate studies, he performed research on the development of P2X3 receptor antagonists as antiallodynic agents. In 2018, he joined the laboratory of Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson at National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States. His research as a postdoctoral researcher focuses on the development of agonists and antagonists to study the therapeutic functions of purinergic signalling.

Prof. Dr. Andréia Machado Cardoso

UFFS, Brazil


Prof. Dr. Aline Mânica



Prof. Dr. Daniela Zanini



Prof. Dr. Robson Coutinho Silva



Prof. Dr. Maria Regina D'Império Lima



Prof. Dr. Claudia Lucia Martins Silva


Dr. Silva is currently an Associate Professor in Pharmacology working at the Laboratory of Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology (UFRJ). CNPq Fellow since 2010. 

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo A. Cunha


Rodrigo Cunha is a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine where he heads the Institute of Biochemistry and Principal Investigator at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology of the University of Coimbra (CNC). He is part of the Steering Committee of the European Neuroscience Campus, the National representative of the Network of European Neuroscience Institutes and a scientific consultant of the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC). He heads the group ‘Purines at CNC’, focusing on caffeine neuroprotection and purinergic modulation; his group is constituted by 6 resident PhD researchers, 5 post-docs and 8 PhD students. He has published over 250 papers with an h factor of 62. He has trained over 40 PhD students and 20 post-doctoral fellows and attracted funds from American and European agencies and private companies.

Prof. Dr. Adriano Martimbianco de Assis



Prof. Dr. Rosane Souza da Silva



Prof. Dr. Carla Denise Bonan


Dr. Carla Bonan was graduated in Pharmacy Food Technology from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1994) and Master in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1996).

Prof. Dr. Fernanda Bueno Morrone


Dr Fernanda B Morrone has a degree in Pharmacy from the Catholic University of Pelotas, a master’s degree and a PhD in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Prof. Dr. Carla Ines Tasca



Dr. Filipa F. Ribeiro



Prof. Dr. Ana M Sebastião



Dr. Jussemara Souza da Silva



Prof. Dr. Regina Celia Cussa Kubrusly



Prof. Dr. Paula Campello-Costa



Prof. Dr. Denis Broock Rosemberg


Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2005) MSc (2008) and PhD (2011) in Biological Sciences: Biochemistry at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Prof. Dr. Lisiane Oliveira Porciuncula



Prof. Dr. Eleonora Kurtenbach



Prof. Dr. Lucianne Fragel Madeira



Prof. Dr. Angela T.S. Wyse



Prof. Dr. Maria Rosa Chitolina



Carolina Adriane Bento



Isadora Cunha Ribeiro



Juliete Nathali Scholl



Melissa Talita Wiprich



Prof. Dr. Mariusz Z. Ratajczak


Dr. Ratajczak is Professor of Medicine, the Henry M. and Stella M. Hoenig Endowed Chair in Cancer Biology and the Director of the Developmental Biology Research Program at the University of Louisville's James Graham Brown Cancer Center. He is an internationally known specialist in the field of adult stem cell biology.  His 2005 discovery of very small embryonic-like stem cells in adult bone marrow tissues has the potential to revolutionize the field of regenerative medicine. This discovery may lead to new treatments for cancer, heart disease, eye disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. Dr. Ratajczak is also known from his work on novel mechanisms of mobilization and homing of stem cells, biological role of extracellular microvesicles and molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis. Among Dr. Ratajczak’s prestigious awards are the are the 2014 Karl Landsteiner Life Achievement Award from the German Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematotherapy, 2008 President’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Research and Creativity from the University of Louisville, the 2008 Cancer Researcher of the Year award, the 2006 Award in Medicine and Biology from the Foundation for Polish Sciences (the highest scientific award in Poland), the 2004 Individual Award from the Polish Ministry of Health for Scientific Achievements and the 2002 Chad Kopple Spirit Award from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Dr. Ratajczak was honored with the degree, doctor honoris causa, from the Medical University of Silesia.  He has published numerous books and more than 500 peer-reviewed publications and is a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide. His work was cited more than 24 000 and his Hirsh Index = 76. He is a visiting Professor at Kansai University in Osaka, Japan and Fudan University in Shanghai, China and Honorary Professor at Xiamen University in China.

Prof. Dr. Gutierres, JM



Dr. Gemma Navarro



Dr. Tomohiro Yamashita


Dr. Tomohiro Yamashita got a PhD in the Laboratory of Professor Kazuhide Inoue, the University of Kyushu (JAPAN) in 2012. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Healthcare, the University of Kyushu (JAPAN) since 2017. He is working on finding drugs for various diseases of widespread prevalence across the continents, such as chronic pain and itch.

Dr. Ya-Fei Zhao


.Ya-Fei Zhao is a postdoc in Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She got a MD in China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciense(2017) and a PhD in the Sichuan Key Laboratory for Acupuncture & Chronobiology of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2021). During her graduate studies, her research was focusing on hippocampal astrocyte P2X7R in depression and anti-depressive mechanism of electroacupuncture.

Prof. Dr. Francesco di Virgilio


.Dr. Francesco Di Virgilio is full professor at the Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.
 As of November 2019 publications by Dr Di Virgilio received over 23000 citations, with an h-index of 86 (ISI-Web of Science), 84 (Scopus), or 98 (Google Scholar).

Prof. Dr. Alexei Verkhratsky


Professor Alexei Verkhratsky, PhD, D.Sc, Member of Academia Europaea (2003), Vice-President of Academia Europea (2016), Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2013), Member of Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia of Spain (2012), Member of Polish Academy of Sciences (2017), Corresponding Member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2019); Member of The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (2012), Honorary Professor and Chair, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province for Acupuncture & Chronobiology at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2018), Distinguished professor of Jinan University at Guangzhou (2018); Honorary professor of China Medical University at Shenyang (2019). Alexei  was born in 1961 in Stanislaw, Galicia, Western Ukraine; he graduated from Kiev Medical Institute in 1983, and received PhD (1986) and D.Sc. (1993) in Physiology from Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology also in Kiev. In the period between 1989 and 1995 he was visitor scientist in Heidelberg and Gottingen, and between 1995 and 1999 he was a Research Scientist at Max Delbrück Centre of Molecular Medicine in Berlin. He joined the Division of Neuroscience, School of Biological Sciences in Manchester in September 1999, became a Professor of Neurophysiology in 2002 and served as Head of the said Division from 2002 to 2004. From 2007 to 2010 he was appointed as a visitor professor/Head of Department of Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of Check Republic. Alexei also serves as a Research Professor of the Ikerbasque (Basque Research Council) in Bilbao, where, from 2012, he acts as Adjunct Scientific Director of the Achucarro Basque Centre for Neuroscience; from 2011 to 2017 he was as a Honorary Visitor Professor at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Alexei is the editor-in-chief of Cell Calcium, Deputy Editor-in Chief of Cell Death & Disease and member of editorial boards of many journals including Pflugers Archiv, Acta Physilogica, Purinergic Signalling, ASN Neuro &c. 

In 2007 he, together with Arthur Butt published the first ever Textbook on Glial Neurobiology, and in 2013 he, again in co-authorship with Arthur Butt published a handbook Glial Physiology and Pathophysiology, which has rapidly become the reference book in the field.

Alexei Verkhratsky is an internationally recognised scholar in the field of cellular neurophysiology, best known for his contributions to our knowledge of the physiology and pathophysiology of neuroglia. He was one of the first to discover the specific expression of neurotransmitter receptors in astrocytes and their activation in situ by physiological stimulation. He demonstrated (with H. Kettenmann) matching patterns of neuronal and glial receptors, thus providing the basis for the concept of active and reciprocal neuronal-glial communications. He demonstrated that these receptors are connected to calcium-mediated signalling cascades, which led to the important concept of glial calcium excitability. Subsequently he developed the concept of sodium ions as a specific signalling molecule controlling local homeostatic responses of astrocytes. These discoveries have made a major contribution to the development of a new doctrine of the fundamental role of neuroglia in brain function. Verkhratsky also contributed to the emerging field of neurogliopathology;  In a series of highly cited conceptual papers he outlined basic principles of glial physiology and pathophysiology, which significantly influenced this rapidly developing area of neuroscience. 

Scientometry: Prof Verkhratsky authored 7 and edited 9 books; he published ~ 550 papers and chapters. His papers were cited  >29000 times, H-index 90 (Scopus, 3/2021).
Web pages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Verkhratsky

Prof. Dr. Hening Ulrich


Prof. Henning Ulrich studied Biology at the Universities of Hamburg and Kiel (Germany) and performed his master thesis in Biochemical Parasitology, followed by a PhD. in Biochemistry and Neuroscience at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He completed his training by postdoctoral research at the Center of Molecular Neurobiology of the University of Hamburg and Cornell University. He was appointed as a faculty member and is now Full Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the Dep. of Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. 
Dr. Ulrich has published more than 220  papers in peer-reviewed journals (H-factor of 43, ca. 7,000 citations), 4 books and about 30 book chapters and filed for patents. He is a specialist on purinergic and kinin signaling and was President of the Brazilian Society of Purinergic Signaling. He is currently Associate Editor of the peer-reviewed journals Purinergic Signalling, Cytometry A, Stem Cell Reviews & Reports, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy and PLOS ONE. He has organized more than 10 national and international congresses in Brazil.
Dr. Ulrich’s research lines include neurogenesis and neuronal repair mechanisms in vitro and in vivo, focusing on kinin and purinergic signaling and established novel concepts for these signaling cues. 

Prof. Dr. Roberto Farina de Almeida



Prof. Dr. Claudiana Lameu


Claudiana Lameu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry of the IQ-USP (2015-current). She holds a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the University of São Paulo (USP) (2004) and a PhD from that same institution (2009). She was a postdoc at the Chemistry Institute of the USP (2009-2011 and 2014-2015) and at the University of Louisville (James Graham Brown Cancer Center - Stem Cell Institute) in Kentucky, United States (2011-2012). She works on the Development of New Molecules of Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Interest, and on the Study of Molecular and Biochemical Mechanisms of chronic diseases associated or not with cancer, focusing on the purinergic, nitrergic and kininergic system. She is a member of the board of director of the Brazilian Purine Club.

Prof. Dr. Ana Lucia Ventura



Prof. Dr. Ana Battastini


Dr. Ana Maria O Battastini is graduated in Pharmacy with a master's degree in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1990) and a Ph.D. in Science (Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Paraná (1996). She is one of the founders and currently President and  of the Brazilian Purine Club (2018 - 2021). She has been working with the ectonucleotidases in cancer and pathologies of the Central Nervous System. She is currently a retired Professor and Guest Professor at the Biochemistry Department at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues


Assistant Professor in Neurobiology at Universidade Federal Fluminense; Secretary of Brazilian Purine Club.