Purines 2021: X Meeting of the Brazilian Purine Club

19 of June of 2021, 09h00 until 22 of June of 2021, 12h30
Online. Transmissão via Doity Play

Paper information

25/03/2021 until 19/05/2021

Abstract Instructions


Submitted abstracts will be analyzed by an Evaluation Committee appointed by the Organization Committee. Abstracts will be evaluated regarding their scientific quality and insertion in the field of purinergic signaling. Abstracts not meeting these criteria or not being in agreement with the below-mentioned format will be rejected.

Preparation of abstracts:

The abstracts must report objectives / background, methods, results and conclusions. Inclusion of quantitative data and the number of experiments (mean values ± S.D. or S.E.) as well as details of appropriate control experiments is recommended for enabling the reader to understand and judge the presented work. Distribution into various abstracts of results from the same work will not be accepted. The evaluation will rigorously judge submitted abstracts, to warrant that, given a limited number of slots for poster presentation, the ones with highest quality will be presented.

Abstract format:

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English;
  • Arial 12;
  • 1.5 line spacing;
  • For symbols use HTML or insert symbol;
  • Maximum of 3000 characters (including spaces);
  • Only the first letter of the title should be written in capital, followed by names of authors, institution and university, state and country, in which the work was performed.

In order to ensure that your name will be cited uniformly, make sure that your name is always written in the same way in all abstracts where you are the principle or a co-author. Names of authors and their institutional affiliation should be cited as in the following example:

¹Miazaki, H.M., ²Martins, J.R.A., ¹Departamento de Execução, ²Departamento de Empreendimentos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo/SP, Brazil.

Objectives / background: The scientific background and resulting objectives need to be detailed. In case of referencing published works, follow the example: Miller et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 82; 2049, 2008.

Methods and results: This section should contain a brief report of employed methods and obtained results. Please, do not forget to report your measurements with units. Report mean values ± S.D. or S.E., sample size and statistical significance wherever appropriate. In case of studies involving humans or human tissues, approval of the procedures by an Ethics’ committee of the university needs to be stated.

Conclusion: The abstract needs to be finalized with a conclusion.

Acknowledgment of financial support should be presented in the last line of the abstract.


  • Abstracts exceeding the limit of characters or submitted in a different format from the indicated one will be automatically rejected by the system;
  • Citations: Please, refer to the example above. Citation such as Ashley et al., 1994, with no details of the journal will not be accepted;
  • Abstract containing various spelling and grammatical errors will be rejected;
  • In case of studies with human beings, in addition to attaching an obligatory copy of the Ethics’ approval, please, state also patients’ age and gender;
  • In case of the use of laboratory animals, the strains, ages / weights and gender need to be identified. If judged necessary, the evaluation committee can request a copy of the respective ethics’ committee of the institution;
  • The data presented in the meeting itself must be substantially similar to those described in the abstract. Particularly, title and authors must match those of the approved abstract.