Carolina Palma Naveira-Cotta


Dr. C.P.Naveira-Cotta is associate professor at Mech. Eng. Dept. at COPPE/UFRJ since 2011. Affiliated Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences-ABC (2015-2019). Affiliated Member of The World Academy of Sciences-TWAS (2021-2025). Elected member of the Scientific Council of the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer-ICHMT since 2016. Holds the competitive Research Productivity Grant - Level 1D, from the federal sponsoring agency CNPq. Published more than 170 papers, including 62 in international journals, 7 book chapters, more than 95 articles in refereed international conferences and co-author of 3 books in international editorial companies. She has supervised 12 DSc thesis (4 completed, 8 in progress), 28 MSc thesis (21 completed, 7 in progress) and 34 undergraduate projects (32 completed, 2 in progress). Research interests on Transport Phenomena in Micro and Nano-scales, mainly on microfluidics, inverse problems, hybrid methods, water desalination, heat transfer enhancement, thermal microsystems, renewable and alternative energies.

Ewerton Emmanuel da Silva Calixto


Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), master's degree from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and doctorate also from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has experience in the area of ??intensification of chemical and biochemical processes (processes integration: mass and energy), process analysis (modeling, simulation and optimization of processes), as well as experience in oil processing (onshore and offshore), development of technological solutions for industry and decarbonization projects using green hydrogen. The most prominent projects were: (1) FEED and detailing of the Abreu & Lima refinery (RNEST), (2) basic projects of the Pre-Salt FPSOs, (3) development of an H2S sequestration simulator in oil wells for CENPES / PETROBRAS, (4) development of software for the synthesis, simulation and optimization of effluent treatment systems and water distribution networks for SANEPAR, (5) as well as the development and testing of software for large companies, such as the Siemens GMO simulator and green hydrogen consulting projects for SENAI CIMATEC. He is currently Chemical Engineering Specialist, leader of the SENAI CIMATEC Green Hydrogen Competence Center, senior member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

Flávio da Silva Francisco


Possui graduação em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2011) com ênfase em  Meio Ambiente e Tratamento de Resíduos pelo Programa de Formação de Recursos Humanos da ANP - PRH13 EQ/UFRJ, especialização em Indústria Petroquímica pela Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina – 2015) e doutorado em Tecnologia de Processos Químicos e Bioquímicos pela Escola de Química da UFRJ (2017). Atuou no setor de Engenharia Básica do Cenpes-Petrobras, na área de desenvolvimento de simuladores e desenvolveu trabalho experimental na área de petróleo e gás natural com ênfase em garantia de escoamento no Laboratório de Termo­uidodinâmica (LTFD/PEQ/COPPE) e no Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Dinâmica dos Fluidos (NIDF/PEQ/COPPE). Atualmente é pesquisador visitante do Programa Formação de Recursos Humanos da Agência Nacional de Petróleo, vinculado ao PRH 3.1 (EQ/PEQ-COPPE/UFRJ). Tem experiência em atividades de pesquisa e na realização de projetos na área da Engenharia Química, com ênfase em Engenharia de Processos, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Petróleo; Biocombustíveis; Integração energética e mássica; Garantia de Escoamento; Sistemas Híbridos de Energia; Energias Renováveis.

Eduardo Mach Queiroz


Full Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department, Escola de Química/UFRJ. He has been working in postgraduate studies and research for 20 years  in the area of Process Engineering, having contributed to the development of the Source Diagram Method. He has held several positions in university administration, and is currently a member of the University Council of UFRJ.