
We cordially welcome you to participate in this UCARE Mastocytosis Preceptorship that will take place on December 7th 2023 in the run-up to the UCARE Conference in Sao Paulo.

This preceptorship is a practical and scientific training course organized by GA2LEN-UCARE with the kind support of Cogent Biosciences.

It provides vivid presentations and workshops of relevant clinical and scientific content on Mastocytosis aiming to create sustainable synergies for a better understanding of this rare disease, targeted diagnosis and therapy as well as an improved quality of life for affected patients.

We look forward to welcome you at the UCARE Mastocytosis Preceptorship!

Note: Participation in this Preceptorship is free of charge and independent of attendance at the UCARE Conference.

Event date

7 of December of 2023, 09h00 - 12h30


REBOUÇAS CONVENTION CENTER - Avenida Rebouças, 600, Pinheiros, São Paulo - São Paulo