Speakers and Schedule
August 15th (Thursday)
Reception and Breakfast (8:00-9:00 AM)
Innovations in Panel Data: Theory and Applications (9:10 AM - Noon)
- Geert Ridder (USC): Estimation and Inference in Panel Data with Non-Ignorable Attrition
- Yassine Sbai-Sassi (NYU): A Linear Regression Model for Undirected Dyadic Data with Interactive Individual Effects
- Andrei Zeleneev (UCL): Endogeneity in Panel and Network Models: Identification without IV
Lunch (12:10-1:40 PM)
Advanced Econometric Methods: Estimation and Inference (1:50-3:30 PM)
- Marcelo J. Moreira (FGV): Inference Based on the Continuously Updated Estimator and the Conditional Likelihood Ratio Test
- Tim Armstrong (USC): Adapting to Misspecifications
Games and Empirical Models: Identification and Estimation (4:00-5:40 PM)
- Alfred Galichon (NYU): Repeated Matching Games: An Empirical Framework
- Lucas Lima (PUC Rio): Flexible Demand Estimation and Zero Market Shares
Dinner at Assador Steakhouse (starting at 6:30 PM)
August 16th (Friday)
Breakfast (7:45-8:20 AM)
Statistical Tests and Methods (8:20-10:00 AM)
- Giuseppe Cavaliere (Bologna): Bootstrap Diagnostic Tests
- Guillaume Poliot (Chicago): An Exact t-Test
Innovations in Panel Data: Theory and Applications (10:30 AM - 12:10 PM)
- Joao Victor Issler (FGV): An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Asset Pricing Using Panel Data
- Christiane Baumeister (Notre Dame): Uncovering Disaggregated Oil Market Dynamics: A Full Information Approach to Granular Instrumental Variables
Lunch (12:20-1:50 PM)
Advanced Statistical Models and Inference Techniques (2:00-3:40 PM)
- Peter Hansen (UNC): Convolution-t Distributions
- Daniel Wilhelm (Munich): Inference for Rank-Rank Regression
Machine Learning and Advanced Estimation in Economics (4:10-5:50 PM)
- Mahrad Sharifvaghefi (Pittsburgh): Variable Selection in Linear Regressions with Possibly All Covariates Highly Correlated
- Alberto Abadie (MIT): Doubly Robust Inference in Latent Factor Models for Causal Inference
Cocktail for Speakers and Participants at FGV/EPGE (starting at 6:00 PM)
June 20th
Reception and Breakfast (8:20-9:00am)
Advanced Econometric Methods: Identification and Adaptation (9:10am-noon)
- Frank Kleibergen (Amsterdam): Testing for identification in potentially misspecified linear GMM
- Andrii Babii (UNC): Functional partial least-squares: optimal rates and adaptation
- Keisuke Hirano (Penn State): Asymptotic Representations for Sequential Decisions, Adaptive Experiments, and Batched Bandits
Lunch (12:10-1:40pm)
Frontiers of Inference: Challenges with Extremum Estimators (1:50-3:30pm)
- Marcelo J. Moreira (FGV): Inference Based on the Continuously Updating Estimator
- Jessie Li (UCSC): Inference for Constrained Extremum Estimators
Integrating Machine Learning with Econometrics (4:00-5:40pm)
- Michael Leung (UCSC): Graph Neural Networks for Causal Inference Under Network Confounding
- Whitney Newey (MIT): Automatic Debiased Machine Learning via Riesz Regression
Dinner at Assador Steakhouse (starting at 6:30pm)
June 21st
Breakfast (7:45-8:20am)
Machine Learning and Advanced Estimation in Econome (8:20-10:00am)
- Bernard Salanie (Columbia): Testing for Asymmetric Information in Insurance with Deep Learning
- Jean-Marc Robin (SciPol): Ridge Estimation of Two-Way Fixed Effect Regression
Innovations in Panel Data: Theory and Applications (10:30am-12:10pm)
- Shu Shen (Davis): Panel Instrumental Variable Regression with Varying-intensity Repeated Treatments: Theory and the China Syndrome Application
- Andrew Chesher (UCL): Robust Analysis of Short Panels
Lunch (12:20-1:50pm)
Advanced Topics in Causal Inference (2:00-3:40pm)
- Ivan Canay (Northwestern): Decomposition and Interpretation of Treatment Effects in Settings with Delayed Outcomes
- Marinho Bertanha (Notre Dame): Causal Effects in Matching Mechanisms with Strategically Reported Preferences
Advanced Topics in Causal Inference (4:10-5:50pm)
- Jack Porter (Wisconsin): What to Do When You Can't Use '1.96' Confidence Intervals for IV
- Aureo de Paula (UCL): Production Function Estimation Using Subjective Expectations Data
Cocktail for speakers and participants at FGV/EPGE (starting at 6:00pm)
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