Manejo de muestras y listas de especies de líquenes en el Consorcio de Herbarios de Líquenes en América Latina (CHLAL)EN ESPAÑOL

Title in English: Managing lichen specimens and checklist data within the Consorcio de Herbarios de Líquenes en América Latina (CHLAL)


Coordinators: Dr. Frank Bungartz (Arizona State University, USA) & Jesús E. Hernández M. (National Herbarium of Venezuela)

Sign up: required (instructors would like to send material pre-congress), please fill out google form (https://forms.gle/mBHVmr92mt4eB3Zh7)

Date: POST-CONGRESS Sat (07/Aug – 6 hours) + Sun (08/Aug – 6 hours)

Brief description (for more details click here): CHLAL is a free software to manage and share lichen biodiversity data throughout Latin America, a new initiative from the creators of the Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria (CNALH). This workshop will instruct participants on how to use biodiversity data management tools offered by the Consorcio de Herbarios de Líquenes en América Latina (CHLAL). We will focus specifically on managing and sharing biodiversity data of lichens from Latin America.


EN ESPAÑOL CHLAL es un software gratuito para administrar y compartir datos de biodiversidad de líquenes en América Latina, una nueva iniciativa de los creadores del Consorcio de Herbarios de Líquenes de América del Norte (CNALH). Este taller instruirá a los participantes sobre cómo utilizar las herramientas de manejo de datos de biodiversidad ofrecido por el Consorcio de Herbarios de Líquenes en América Latina (CHLAL). Nos enfocaremos específicamente en administrar y compartir datos de biodiversidad de líquenes de América Latina.



Breaking the Stigma: Characters and Identification of Usnea


Coordinator: Dr. Alice Gerlach (Botanical Research Institute of Texas)

Sign up: not necessary – open to all in the event platform

Date: Sat (31/Jul – 2 hours)


Brief description: The goal of this workshop is to introduce important morphological features to recognize species of Usnea. An aide-memoire will be sent to participants to facilitate species identification for the genus Usnea. We will also discuss the importance of secondary metabolites in this genus and what to do when this is not possible.



IUCN Lichen Red Listing Workshop


Coordinators: Dr. Jessica Allen (Eastern Washington University) and Dr. Rebecca Yahr (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh)

Sign up: required due to pre-congress ‘homework’, please fill out google form (https://forms.gle/sKcXxZUCoP18WhpA8)

Date: Sat (31/Jul – 3 hours) + Sun (01/Aug ­– 3 hours) (+ extra PRE-CONGRESS ‘homework’ of 1.5 hours to prepare for the workshop).

Brief description: The goal of this workshop is to complete draft Red List assessments for lichen species. The workshop leaders will cover the basic components of lichen Red List assessments, and give participants a chance to discuss draft assessments with the group. Participants are expected to complete an online training and gather data for two or three species before the workshop.

‘Homework’ includes choosing species that you would like to propose for global Red Listing, which means that you will lead on writing the draft assessment. If you already have species that you would like to propose for Red Listing: First, register for the Global Fungal Red List Initiative Website: http://iucn.ekoo.se/en/iucn/welcome

Once you are registered, you can add species to workshop list using the event specifically for the workshop: http://iucn.ekoo.se/iucn/species_list/event/20#tab-species-list-thumbs-events

For each species you propose you can begin filling in the text fields. One key piece of information you will need for most species that fall into a threat category is a complete list of all currently known sites where the species is extant. If there is a species that you proposed and would like us to consider discussing during the workshop, please email us the species, or list of species, by July 29th.



Track Global Lichen Diversity with  Community Science on iNaturalist

IN ENGLISH & EN ESPAÑOL (2 sessions)


Coordinators: Ann Evankow (University of Oslo, Norway), Alejandro Huereca Delgado (University of Alberta, Canada) and Dr. Klara Scharnagl (University of California, Berkeley)

Sign up: not necessary – open to all in the event platform

Date: Sat (31/Jul – 2 hours ENGLISH) and Sun (01/Aug – 2 horas ESPAÑOL)


Brief description: Whether you are a lichen expert or a lichenologist-in-training, this workshop will introduce the benefits of using iNaturalist (inaturalist.org/) for tracking global lichen diversity. iNaturalist is an online community of millions of scientists and naturalists that share observations of wild species. Each photo-based observation has the opportunity to become a research grade GBIF occurrence record if certain criteria are met, including correct location and species identification. There are currently more than 300000 lichen observations on iNaturalist, however most of these observations are waiting to be identified. In this workshop, we will provide an overview on how to take high quality iNaturalist observations and provide identifications for existing observations. We will also discuss some of the challenges with using iNaturalist for lichenology, including lack of TLC and microscopic anatomy. At the end, we will suggest ideas to engage your community with lichens using iNaturalist. If you do not have an account already, please register with iNaturalist before the workshop.





Title in English: Introduction to LICHENOLOGY


Coordinator: Dr. Adriano A. Spielmann

Sign up: not necessary – open to all in the event platform

Date: Sat (31/Jul – 4 hours)


Brief description: What are lichens? What are they not? In this workshop, geared towards beginner lichenologists and/or amateur lichen lovers, you will learn more about lichens in general, where to look for them and how to identify them, from morphological features seen by the naked eye to anatomical and chemical tests used routinely. Get ready for the IAL9 with this Lichen 101 Intro Course!

EM PORTUGUÊS O que são liquens? E o que eles não são? Neste workshop, voltado para iniciantes, liquenologistas em treinamento e/ou amadores, você aprenderá mais sobre liquens em geral, onde procurá-los e como identificá-los, desde características morfológicas vistas a olho nu até testes anatômicos e químicos usados ​​rotineiramente. Prepare-se para o IAL9 com este curso de introdução aos liquens!